Tuesday, June 16, 2009

What happens when you stay up late ?

So what happens when you force yourself to stay up late ?

Sometimes when I'm in front of the computer, and I'm sleepy, eyes really tired, but I still want to work, so I force myself to not sleep and keep on working.
I feel kinda weird....... it's like my body kinda tingles, not in a good way, but in all the wrong way.
and it's just not a good feeling, but a subtle one, so subtle sometimes I can just ignore it.
I get a slight headache, like the one you have when you need sleep.
So people !!! It's not a good idea to force yourself to stay awake !!!
Go to bed, Sleep, Rest !!!!!

and I was reading a magazine the other day.
There was an article about people who stay up late might get diabetes.
Some scientists tested some healthy people where they are told to sleep and then there would be loud sounds everytime those people started to fall asleep, so they keep on waking up, and the scientists found that those people can't produce insulin normally under this condition.
Or something like that.
So in the long term, they may even develop diabetes.

So again !!!!!!!!!
Go to bed, Sleep, Rest !!!!!
now !!!!!
ciao :)

My dog snores !

She doesn't snore often, but .....How cute ! Buahahahaha.....
I was writing this and my dog was sleeping on a rug next to me and she snored.

You know what's even cuter ?
My puppy who sometimes has hiccups, she doesn't anymore now.
It's probably one of the cutest sound in the world.

Always Think Positive !

So...... the story goes
I need a warranty sticker that a certain Tech guy forgot to stuck back after upgrading my notebook computer.
Because it was purely his fault, so Tech guy promised to stop by at my house the next day to bring me the sticker and asked me to text/sms him my address.
How nice, I thought to myself.
I texted him anyway although I didn't think he'd actually come because the service center was kinda far from my house.
So I waited for him the next day.... and He didn't come !!
it annoyed me quite a bit.......he obviously could've called me to let me know if he wasn't coming.
So I called him and before I even said anything, he told me that he had lost the sms that contained my address.
Yes mister liar, I just bought the computer 2 days ago, so you have my phone number at your database, you could actually call me.
So he asked me to resend him my address.
I said no, I'm coming tomorrow , because I assumed that he'd only offering to stop by without any intention to come anyway and besides there was still something wrong with my computer so I had to go to the service center anyway.

But...... I was so mad at him because he lied to me, or I assumed that he lied.
Right now, when I'm writing this, this kind of situation doesn't bother me at all, but at that time I was so annoyed at him that he offered to help but totally lied about it and he only offered to help basically just to shut me up so I'd hang up the phone.

But, really.... is Tech guy to blame in this whole situation ?
Is it his fault that I'm feeling mad and annoyed ?

Why do I have to think such negative thoughts ?
I assumed that he was a liar, that he never had any intention to help me out in the first place.
What if the reality is, he really did lose my sms/text message by accident, what if he accidently pressed the delete button. I mean, I've accidentaly deleted messages before.
or What if he actually had something really important to do and he couldn't come so he told me a "white" lie about losing my text message.
What if he actually lied to my face ?

I would never know the real truth.
But it doesn't matter whether or not he lied or told the truth.

If, from the beginning, I didn't have any negative thoughts towards him, I wouldn't have felt lied to or annoyed, I wouldn't be mad at him, I wouldn't start silently calling him names and cursing. ;p
If, from the beginning, I thought positively, I'd stay calm and unannoyed and I wouldn't silently accused him of lying.

So it doesn't matter whether or not people lie to you.
Having negative thoughts about them doesn't make them tell you the truth either, having negative thoughts only stresses you out and makes you think more of the bad stuff, that they're lying to you, etc etc.
On the other hand, having positive thoughts calms you down and it makes you at peace and it gives you the ability to believe in the goodness of others.
In the end, you'll never know what goes on inside a person's head and negative thoughts only makes you spend miserable hours thinking about their bad points.

The important point is YOU.
Having negative thoughts makes you miserable !!
Having positive thoughts calms you down and makes you at peace.
So now you know why it's important to always think positive ?

Having positive thoughts gives me a nice feeling in my heart (and it's making me smile right now) and it's that simple :)

I sometimes like handwriting

Yup... I don't know why, it doesn't happen often, but from time to time, I totally enjoy writing down stuff using a pen. I don't have the best handwriting, but it's kinda fun seeing letters becomes words becomes phrases becomes sentences and how the pen glides on the paper.
I kinda like my handwriting, although in general I prefer typing on the keyboard, it's faster and it's saved on to my computer.

I don't have my laptop with me all the time, so I keep a small booklet with me always, so everytime I got an idea to write about something, the booklet is always there.
So when I was writing this, I didn't have anything to do and I was just writing this on the booklet and it was fun and I totally enjoyed each continous stroke of the pen , it was like flowing and I wanted to write more and more.

You know when you handwrite something, you are more aware of the word indications, such as the accents, the apostrophe / punctuation mark, etc. So if you're learning a foreign language, it's best to handwrite, it'll make you remember more.

btw, Studying European languages, French, Italian, German, Portuguese, Spanish, they all have a lot of rules in the grammar department, plus the conjugations.
For me it's like learning mathematics all over again ;p
But fun though, I love learning languages.

Just write !

You know how sometimes you want to write something, but you're scared to make a mistake or you might write badly ?
Why is that ?
It's like wanting to learn to paint, but you're afraid to ruin the painting. You haven't even started yet.

With writing, it's even simpler.
Just start writing.
Write about anything, whenever.
You only need a computer.
What ? you don't have a computer ?
Then get a piece of paper, a scrap paper even, then use a pen/pencil and just write.
It's that simple.

Write down your ideas, your thoughts.
You can read it afterwards, you can even throw it out.
Just write when you feel like it, don't hesitate because you're afraid of mistakes/writing badly.
Just write.

Focus on the positive

Yes there are a lot of chaos in this world right now,
a lot of bad people, a lot of bad situations.
It seems to only be getting worse.

But all the negativity can't exist without all the positivity.
It's like yin and yang.
So yes there are bad people out there, but that is also a sign that that are still good people out there.
People with sincere heart.

So don't be alarmed by all the negativity in the world.
There are still good people out there.
Even bad people still have hearts, they're just hidden so deep inside.
Focus on the positive, Focus on the goodness in people.

Learn to see the goodness in people

So your dad is annoying, you don't get along, he snores and he embarasses you.
But he's given everything for you, he's paid for everything that you have and you know he'll give up his life for you.
So instead of being annoyed everytime he's around, feeling embarassed by his silly remarks, and thinking that you can't stand him anymore. Focus on the good, focus on his love for you , focus on what he's done for you, focus on having a complete family and I promise you, you'd be so much happier, you'll feel blessed for such a wonderful dad. Focus on the good and your Life would be so much more beautiful.

It's the same for whatever situations in you life.
Annoying office lady, Obnoxious receptionist, Ungrateful friends.
If you look close enough and focus on the good,
they are merely office lady, receptionist and friends.
Try it, Focus on the good.

Always See the Goodness in people, in everything, in whatever situation.
Try, Learn how to, Start now.
Focus on the good and your Life would be so much more beautiful.

How do you control anger ?

You just ignore it and you choose to be happy.

When people are rude or I find that they're offensive bla bla bla I get annoyed and angry.
But when I'm calm and happy, it's easy to understand that there may be reasons that cause people to become rude and it doesn't bother me that much. also when I'm busy with other interesting stuff.
Note Keyword : Calm and Happy and Busy with interesting stuff.

I even still get angry at stuff that's happened to me at the past, it was like 3 years ago.
It's crazy how I'm still holding on to that unhappy angry feeling right ?
Here's how it went :
I asked my friend to buy me a CD, I wrote the singer & album name on a piece of paper and gave it to my friend.
So he bought me the CD, but it was a different album, so since the CD shop was near my friend's office, I asked him to exchange it for me.
So he did, and got me another CD, but it was still the wrong one.
(My friend didn't check the CD, he's one of those people who asks for something and pays without checking the thing, but a good friend though ;p)
Anyway, I was so annoyed, so I called the shop and told the guy that it was the wrong CD
so he told me to just bring the CD back and exchange it with another one.
then I asked him, "Do you even have the CD that I wanted?"
then he said "No, but we have other stuff"
Unbelievable, right ??!!! So this guy was just trying to sell any CD to me.
So I asked him to just refund my money and he said "It's only 15$ anyway, what's the big deal?"
at that point I knew that I couldn't talk to him anymore and he's not going to refund my money and whatever I say is not going to make things better so I just hung up.
End of story, but up till now I couldn't let it go.
When I'm reminded of that story, I get angry and annoyed and I just can't understand why someone would behave like that.
So I know I have to let go, forget and forgive and let go.
Letting go is so simple, but I find it so hard to do.
Why ? because I don't want to let go, because if I hold on to that angry feeling, I know that I'm a better person than that CD guy, that I'm the victim, that I'm innocent, I think that's why I hold on to that.

But let see,
I know that when I'm calm and happy and busy with projects/works that I'm excited about, that little annoying story doesn't really bother me.
And I also know that if I get angry, My health is also at risk, I'm ruining my own health, inside and out. So it all depends on myself how to react in similar situations.
People are not going to stop being rude, there always will be annoying people.

So I have a choice, and I want to make that effort.
I will ignore it
I will forgive.
I will forget about it.
I will let go.
I choose to be calm happy.
and on top of that, I'll always get myself involved in an super interesting project so I'm always focused on exciting stuff and no time for other unecessary things.
I want to control myself, I want to be happy no matter what the situation is.

What about you ?

Worry worry worry

We all feel worried from time to time, and for most of us, we can't control our feeling worried.
So How do you control it ? How do you stop worrying ?

I myself worry too much, I think.
I worry on the littlest things.
One time, I was in Milan, Italy (study purposes) and I wanted to renew my permesso di soggiorno (permit of stay, you need to have this permit to stay in that country, so even if your visa is expired, you can still legally stay there.)
If you've been to Italy, you know how crazy the bureaucracy is.
It was hard the first time I obtained my first permesso di soggiorno, there was a long line , we all had to wait in line hours before the office opens, the bathroom was extremely dirty-unusable, we had to wait for hours and hours and hours to wait for our turn, the officers were unfriendly, plus my Italian was at a beginners level. It was really a horrible day.
So to renew the permesso, all I have to do is go to the nearest appointed police station *if I'm not mistaken, it's been a few years, I forgot*
I got all my papers ready, but I was so worried about going there, I pictured different situations in my head, what to say, what to ask, I was worried that they were going to be mean to me, I was worried there were gonna be a long line, I was worried that I needed to pee but there was no decent toilet, I was worried on the bus on the way there, I was worried as I entered the building.
But it turned out, there was no line at all, the officer was nice, He checked all my papers, and simply told me to come back in 2 weeks time to get my new permesso di soggiorno.
So I was worried for nothing !!! If I had known, I wouldn't have worried so much. I would just relax.
But the thing is, I didn't know so I worried so much.

For most of the situations in our lives, we won't know what will happen in the future, whether it will turn out bad or good.
We all need to live in the NOW.
So in my case, I was worried for nothing, everything turned out fine. but I spent days, hours, worrying and making myself feel miserable.

My feeling worried didn't help anything in anyway.
If I felt worried and things turned out bad, my worry is not going to make things worse or better.
If I didn't feel worried, and things turned out find, it's not going to make things worse or better either.
So I choose not to feel worried, because it is useless.
Worrying is totally pointless.
I'd rather relax myself and hope for the best result that may happen from doing the best that I could possibly can.

So next time, in whatever things I do in my life, I'm just gonna make sure all the preparations is done well, everything is ready, I'm gonna do my best and I'm not gonna worry, I'm just going to relax and hope that everything will work out fine.
I will try that and hope for the best.

And I also know this, in the simplest situation or even at the worst extreme situation, We should leave it all to Him.
In whatever situation, do your best, and everything else depends on Him.
Some things are out of our control no matter what we do, so instead of worrying, just do your best, then let worry go, have total faith.
Sounds simple ?
well, It is that simple.

So let it go.
The outcome may surprise you :)
But whatever the result is, believe that there's a reason for everything, and you don't have to know the reason, but just believe that it's the best for you right now.
so Trust Him and you'll feel so much better :D