Friday, April 24, 2009

What to do when you're bored ?

Seriously ? what do you do when you're bored ?

From time to time , we all feel really bored, at just about everything, even at the things we love to do.
It's like you don't have any will to do anything, you don't even feel alive, you're just tired.
You won't even bother to do anything, coz everything seems boring and you'll end up watching reruns of Friends on TV, Reading Celebrity gossip on websites, Doing nothing, and even Eating, and in the end you'll feel even worse, like you've wasted another day.

So, Do you know what you should do at times like that ?
Do Something, Anything at all !!!!!

You have to "force" yourself to start doing something.
(Gardening, Painting, Writing, Practising piano, Cooking, Exercising, anything that you love, anything at all)
I know that Getting off that couch is the hardest part.
But when you start doing whatever it is that you're supposed to do, a tiny will-power starts to grow inside of you, and before you know it, you're starting to enjoy what you're doing and you wonder why you didn't start doing this earlier.
And the you realize that you're doing something meaningful and useful for yourself, you become passionate about it once again.

Try reading blogs/books about motivation to give you a boost.
Get a good book and find a great motivational blogs, some of them are well, kinda boring, but when you do find a great book/blog, it'll make you want to start doing something to be a better person for yourself and for others. The book/blog will make you realize that you're missing out, that you're kinda left behind and it makes you wanna hurry up to catch up in Life.

The thing is, when you've finished reading the book/blog, you're back at square one, not doing anything and waiting for someone to wake you up all over again.

So right now......... WAKE UP !!!!!!!!!!
GET UP !!!!!!
You really need to do something Right Now !!
Do something that you love, something meaningful, something useful.
You know what it is.
Trust me, it'll make you feel a whole lot better.
uhuh.... NOW !!

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