Monday, December 28, 2009

Blogging has taken over my life

I must stop it ;p

So, instead of writing too long and spending too much time thinking about it
I must do quick articles instead

Photos/Pictures/Images on every post - not necessary
if I've got more time, I'll put a little more time n effort to "beautify" my posts.
I know even I prefer to read a post with pics on it instead of just plain writings.
But now, I just don't have the time to add pics to every posts.
Why ?
because I have more than 1 blog.
it seems every once in a while I come up with a new idea for a new blog ;p
I love blogging just as it is and
At first, It was more exciting to find out that you can also make money out of blogging.
but blogging is not making enough money for me right now so I shouldn't spend way too much time on it.
time to move on a bit
love blogging, love writing, I like sharing my ideas and thoughts
but no need to spend a whole day writing an article
so I need to quickly jolt ideas like I'm writing a draft
actually I need to just use this draft instead of writing a new one
make this a new habit.... quick, spontaneous, meaningful

Besides, I'm torturing my eyes by staring at the monitor for way too long.

Okay... this post has taken more than 30 mins now, I really should stop before I start re-reading and re-writing the whole article.
So, I'm still going to blog because I like blogging, love it ? maybe....
I'm even thinking of merging all of my blogs into 1 so I don't have to scatter all my thoughts all over my blogs, but each blogs have different topics and I'd like to stay anonymous, so ;p
but either way, I'm going to limit my blogging time and use my time for something else more productive :)
But sometimes I just can't help not writing and elaborating my thoughts and ideas, so I might not be able to control those "urges" ;p
oh I'm doing it again.

less time blogging and more time to do other things

Stop Complaining and Be Grateful !!

I'm a complainer
I sometimes don't realize that I complain a lot.
But when I do, oh boy.... I feel so guilty....
I complain when things don't go my way
I complain when the weather is too hot
I complain and complain and complain

Instead of making the most of my time and treasure each moment, I chose to waste my precious time doing useless things, watching TV, going to the mall, slacking around.
Instead of complaining, I should learn to be more grateful and thankful.
I should learn to celebrate the miracle of Life and treasure every moment.

This video shows you to be thankful and treasure every wonderful moments, because Life really is short, but in that short time, what's important is how you spend it and how you accept things that you can't change and make the most out of it.
Live Life with gratitude everyday.
Be thankful, Cherish every moment :)

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Why forgive ? Why be good ?

I can't stand annoying self centered obnoxious people
I can't stand rich people who look down on others
I don't like mean rude people

even so....
I'm not perfect myself
I've been rude, I've been self centered, I've looked down on others

What does it have to do with forgiveness ?
I don't know, I tend to wander slightly from the topic, but read on, Forgiveness is coming.
Since I can't stand annoying obnoxious loud people who thinks they're better than everyone.
I choose to avoid them, because I can't stand them, and I think I'm better than them.
That's mistake number 1
I think I'm better than them.
I'm not
Once I think I'm better than them, I'm exactly them.
So....Remember to stay modest and humble and always try to be a sincere person.

You know how sometimes people offend you and afterwards you choose not to hang out with them anymore.
Or when friends did something wrong or lied to you and you choose to "hate" them for life.
and yes.... you think you're a better person than them.
You choose to not forgive them.
Even when you know you won't see them ever again, you choose to "hate" them and everytime the topic came out, you still get "angry" or at least you feel "bothered" over something that happened years ago.

Here's the thing
If you forgive someone, it gives you peace of mind, it lifts your burden, it makes you feel good.
and somehow, it's good for them too. If that someone really felt sorry for what happened and when you've truly forgiven that someone I think they can somehow feel it.
So it's a win win.

then you say
"But they won't ever change, they'll stay annoying and rude and mean to others"
"But what they did to me was unforgiveable, I can't ever forgive them"
"They never said sorry"

It doesn't matter......
Some people will never change
Some people do and try to correct their wrongs
Some people just can't say sorry because they're afraid how you'd react even though they really feel awful inside.
But it doesn't matter
Forgiving someone doesn't require conditions.
You forgive them just because it's the right thing to do, you know it is, you just don't want to or you think it's not time yet.
Forgiving someone doesn't mean that they win, that you lose because you stand down.
No.... Forgiving someone means you win over your ego.
Forgiving someone means that you realize that Life is beautiful as it is and you shouldn't burden it with hatred and anger.
Forgiving someone means you're growing as a person.

If you can't forgive someone just yet.
Then Forgive them for your own good.
Why ?
Because when you forgive, you eliminate the anger, hatred that's been burdening and bothering your mind.
When you Let go and Forgive, you somehow "cleanse" yourself of those negative energy.
Forgiving is not the same as Forgetting, you may forget something but when you're reminded of it, you still get angry, it's not forgiving.
Forgiving someone is Letting go and you're not bothered anymore. You're at peace.
It's good for your mind, for your soul, for your health.
You already know how stress, hatred, anger affects our body and our health.
So do it for your own good
Forgive for your own good.
You'll see that you breathe freely
You'll see it'll put a smile on your face.

How to forgive ?
Know that you're not perfect
Know that you also made mistakes
Know that you also have offended someone
Know that you have wronged someone
and after you realize that you're also flawed, you realize that you want to right your wrongs
You want to be a good person.

Then try to forgive, just Let go and Forgive
You have to want to forgive
It's got to be sincere
You have to Let go

If you still can't forgive
then ask for His help in prayers
Say that you really want to forgive that someone but you're still angry and you can't at this moment and Ask Him to change your heart.
It's a process..... but the moment you ask for His help, you're on your way.
and It does get easier, really.

For me....
I'm not perfect I know
I'm proud, I still feel I'm better than most people, I still look down on others
I'm not perfect
Sometimes I don't even care, my pride tells me that I really AM better than most.

But then....
my 11 year old dog has a tumor
She's already had 1 operation last year and it went well.
It was the worst time, I cried before the operation, I cried during and after hoping that she'd be fine.
The week after the operation was also bad because I didn't know what would happen to her. She was weak and I had to apply cream to her stitches and gave her antibiotics everyday.
She's fine now and she looks very healthy , still running around everywhere.
But the tumor is still spreading and it looks like she may need another operation to remove the tumor.
The vet can't guarantee a safe operation to remove the tumor due to her age.
I don't know what to do.
So I gave her the best food that I can
and I pray for her.
I pray that her tumor shrinks and goes away.
I pray that she stays healthy for many more years.
and as I was praying for her, I just realized,
or maybe I was "made" to realize
How can I pray and ask for my dog's health, How can I ask for such a favour, How can I ask for a pure miracle while my heart is still filled with hatred and anger ?
Even though it's a minor hatred and anger, it's still hatred and anger none the less.
How can I ask Him for something precious when my heart is still "dirty" ?

and Who am I anyway ?
Who am I to ask for a miracle and not give something back in return ?
Who am I to demand a miracle and still act however way I want to ?
Who am I to just ask him to do stuff for me and not do something back in return ?
Who am I ? period.

The least that I can do is a be thankful, be a good person and live according to His ways.
then I do what I can to achieve what I pray for.
The rest I leave to His Hands.

Think about it....

How can we ask something good to happen to us when we still wish something bad to happen to others that we hate.
So you don't wish something bad to happen to them, but If something bad do happen to them, you just shrug and maybe smile a little and say "they deserve it"
If that's who we are, How can we ask for something good to happen to us ?
How can we ask for anything at all ?
Even if we don't care about others, If we don't care what happens to others that have wronged us, Even so.... it's still wrong.

As for my dog & me,
My dog is doing ok now. She seems very healthy.
The tumor is still there and it's still growing.
There's nothing else that I can do except to love her and feed her the best that I can.
and I Pray for a miracle :)
I try to be a good person, to forgive others, to have a sincere heart.
so that when I pray for her, I come with pure intentions without any hidden or oppressed hatred towards others, that I come with a "clean" heart.
and that's all that matters :)

So Forgive
Forgive others, Forgive yourself
Let it Go and Forgive
Be a good person
Have a good heart, a pure sincere heart.
It's a journey, Stay in the path.
Listen to the voice within, it's in everyone.
Listen to Him.
Be good :)

God Bless you