Monday, December 28, 2009

Blogging has taken over my life

I must stop it ;p

So, instead of writing too long and spending too much time thinking about it
I must do quick articles instead

Photos/Pictures/Images on every post - not necessary
if I've got more time, I'll put a little more time n effort to "beautify" my posts.
I know even I prefer to read a post with pics on it instead of just plain writings.
But now, I just don't have the time to add pics to every posts.
Why ?
because I have more than 1 blog.
it seems every once in a while I come up with a new idea for a new blog ;p
I love blogging just as it is and
At first, It was more exciting to find out that you can also make money out of blogging.
but blogging is not making enough money for me right now so I shouldn't spend way too much time on it.
time to move on a bit
love blogging, love writing, I like sharing my ideas and thoughts
but no need to spend a whole day writing an article
so I need to quickly jolt ideas like I'm writing a draft
actually I need to just use this draft instead of writing a new one
make this a new habit.... quick, spontaneous, meaningful

Besides, I'm torturing my eyes by staring at the monitor for way too long.

Okay... this post has taken more than 30 mins now, I really should stop before I start re-reading and re-writing the whole article.
So, I'm still going to blog because I like blogging, love it ? maybe....
I'm even thinking of merging all of my blogs into 1 so I don't have to scatter all my thoughts all over my blogs, but each blogs have different topics and I'd like to stay anonymous, so ;p
but either way, I'm going to limit my blogging time and use my time for something else more productive :)
But sometimes I just can't help not writing and elaborating my thoughts and ideas, so I might not be able to control those "urges" ;p
oh I'm doing it again.

less time blogging and more time to do other things

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