Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Why we buy motivational books and never read them

Yea...why is that ?
we want to be better, we buy books
"oh this one will help me be a better person"
"this one will help me be more motivated"
"this one bla bla, that one bla bla"

At first, we read em and we're all excited and ready to change
what's dat....change, you say ? mmm.....change, ey ?

next book u read, u're like....
"I know all this stuff already.... yea yea...."
next book u read, u're like.....
"boringgg......true, but boring"

next book u read will be fiction, science fiction, chicklits (what?), comic books, gossip tabloids
why ?
becoz it's easy.....they don't require you to change
u don't feel guilty if u don't change
especially w the gossip tabloids, u see other people mess up
so it's okay if u mess up a bit

So you don't read motivational books coz u don't want to change ?
because it requires effort from your part ?
Let me get this straight, u keep buying motivational books, because u want to change, right ?
but when u're face with the situation of having have to change, u simply dun wanna ?
You want to, but you don't want to ?
Confusing huh ?
That's why u have a pile of good motivational books dusting away somewhere in your home.
You keep saying to yourself, "I'll read it when I have time" but you never seem to have time... Really ? you dun have time to read, but you have time to watch that soap opera / celebrity gossip channel ?
Do you really not have time, or are you really just finding excuses not to read em ?

but here's the thing
motivational books are there to remind yourself of what you already know
u know u gotta have discipline
u know u gotta love life
u know u gotta live life to the fullest
u know u gotta be happy...u gotta choose to be happy
etc etc
u know all that already.....but u just don't do them.
What ? Do you really think in order to be better, you need to read the latest-number-1-selling-book from a certain someone ? and until you do, you can....slack ?
Do you really think that book will give you all the answers to your questions ? the specific techniques to change your lazy habit ?
Yeah some books are that good, but you don't need to read em all, coz if you do, u'll end up reading every book in the universe and you won't start living your life.....u're just back at stalling.

Motivational - self help - inspirational books won't do you any good if you're not willing to change for the better.
and your not reading it is to avoid feeling guilty for not changing today, besides, you already know most of the stuff anyway.
you're just stalling, postponing, avoiding, whatever you may wanna call it, it's the same thing
so it's your choice,
u dun have to read all the books there is
No point of reading all the ways and techniques to be motivated, no point of reading how to be happy if you're not willing to forgive and let go
So it begins from within you, not from a book.
Books might inspire you, motivate you to a certain level, after that it's all up to you.
Do you want to change ? for the better?
It's your choice !!
Take action Now

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