Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Always use your own camera !

So whenever I go to a party or a gathering with friends, we'd take pictures, right ?
I've said to myself over and over again "USE MY OWN CAMERA"
but sometimes I think, oh she's a good friend of mine, I see her all the time, I'll definitely get the photos of our New Year's party from her.

For some reason, a lot of people just don't send you the photos.
They don't send it to you via email, they don't upload it to facebook.
They just keep it in their computer and it's not like they look hideous in those pics, they're just plain lazy.

It's just so annoying..... we had a little get together the other day and my 2 friends brought their cameras.
So I'm like, you are so sending me the photos and they go, of course, I'll even upload them on facebook tonight.
that was 3 weeks ago.
I've asked them to upload just at least 1 photo.
nothing !!!!!
and they're not like super busy or anything,
Well, one of them is kinda busy but the other one is online on facebook almost everyday.
So I seriously don't know why they don't upload the photos....

The moral of the story
If you want to have the photos,
Always bring your own camera, Always use your own camera !!!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Why are people rude / annoying ?

Ever wonder why some people are just plain ride ?
Ever wonder why some people get offended easily....
so very very easily.... that you wonder what exactly it is that you did wrong that might've made them upset in the first place ?
or you even wonder that they're just crazy..... ;p
ever wonder why they're like that ?
I often do.... I often wonder why they're acting like super a**holes.

But we all need to understand that :
First of all....
Everyone's got a story...
we all know that but we tend to forget that.
They may have financial problems, a sick family member, family tragedy, they've been lied to, they've lost a fortune in business, etc etc... or they're probably just pms-ing ;p
But all those details about them, we don't know....
we don't know what they're feeling inside and those things are affecting those people.

and it's not all about you, so when someone is being 'rude or unfriendly' to you, don't take it personal and assume that they hate you, that they judge you, or that they are discriminating you.
while some people are actually a**holes and they are just unbelievably evil ;p, some just have a lot on their mind and they probably just don't have enough patience nor the energy to be nice.
I guess, It's easier to be bitter and negative and hostile towards others.
of course, some people are using their personal problems as an excuse to be an a**hole.

Some people may even have personal problems of their own.
The feeling of failure is one of the most destructive feelings.
It robs you of everything, I suppose.
You pull back and remove yourself from friends because, well, you haven't accomplished anything that you can be proud of and you're just ashamed of yourself.
After a while, you feel lonely
Then you become a sensitive person, meaning , you get offended easily, you get ticked off easily, you expect others to treat you with a decent amount of respect and kindness, when they don't you become angry.....
the worst kinda of angry is the one you suppress ....
You can't let it out, so it's eating you from inside out.
That's also some of the reasons why some people are acting the way they are.
maybe that particular friend of yours that's been avoiding your phone, or that one who's always trying to get away from get-togethers, or the quiet one that always seem so troubled but pretended to smile, and yes.... that lady in the administration office at your school that's always so mean to everyone, the waiter that spilled wine on you and didn't even apologize, the list goes on and one.

You need to understand why they're behaving a certain way and maybe not get offended yourself when they're being rude to you.
then you ask, "if they feel like such failures, why don't they do something about it ?"
well.... some actually are doing something about it, they're probably working 3 shifts a day to cover the cost of their mom's cancer treatment, they're probably trying to cope with a divorce, they're probably trying to cope with the grief of a miscarriage, they're probably trying to look for a better job than this current sh*tty one, bottom line is.... they're cranky, they're bitter, but they're still hoping for a better tomorrow, they're trying to get out of it.
Some probably already lose hope and it's just sad, they need to know that there's always hope, no matter what.

I think we need to 'open' your minds more and try to understand that a lot of them are trying.....
it's hard to be all smiles and peachy if you're working as a credit card sales person at the mall where you spend day after day, week after week, month after month being ignored by us, as the unfriendly obnoxious people. Imagine how they feel at the end of the day ? the end of the week ?
Of course they want a better job, but in the mean time, they're stuck with this one and they feel like a total failure doing a job that they don't like. In the mean time, they need to help pay for their younger siblings school fee and their parents high blood pressure pills and the rent.
No wonder some of these sales person are so persistent that you feel so annoyed at them pestering you. Don't blame them, they probably need need need to be like that....that's probably the only way they now to achieve their goal, so try to understand.

I know their stories are not the same.....
but a lot of them are.
I kinda feel sorry for them and I wish the all the best.

I'm the person who gets so annoyed when people offer me stuff I don't need, they just bug me.
I get offended when I go to a boutique and the shopkeeper treats me with disrespect.
I hate it when I phone customer service and they're very rude.
But I should know better now....
Everyone's got a story and I should try to understand them and forgive them and just let go.
just let go....
besides.... I have better things to do with my life than being annoyed at 1 person from the mall, and I'm not going to let 1 stoopid customer service operator ruins my mood for a fun lunch.

Little things shouldn't bother us !!!
yes... they may come back and try to rob us of our fun moments, but just shake them off..... don't let the negative feeling take over your fun exciting life.
Besides, we have been rude to others too, we have hurt someone too, whether we realize it or not, so.... if we feel bad about it and we want to change to be better, I think we should allow them the opportunity to change as well, right ?
Remember that Life is short..... fill them with smiles and kindness.
Achieve your dreams, keep on trying one day at a time, till you're finally there.
Make the whole journey fun, spread happiness while you're at it :)
Know this, you'll never run out on positive energy, it's all around you, it's in you, it's always been there and it'll stay there forever.

Do people really change ?

I personally think that people don't change.
well... for most people, that is.

of course, life experiences can always make you change
things that happened to you or your close friends might change your perspective in life, it might change they way you think, they way you choose to live your life.
so you can actually change, but it requires a great deal of 'events' from the outside.

but what if you're life is on the peace lane ?
Nothing drastic ever happens to you so far.
You don't seem to need to change, but people kinda want you to change.
example, you're making a good living, you look good, you have lots of friends but you feel that you can be better, because you're always late, you're a major procrastinator, you're a couch potato, you're lazy, you're greedy, it can be many things that you wanna change in your life but you haven't actually step up to it, yet.
So people say "I've known him for ages , he won't ever change"
and you know what ?
there are lots of people like you, thus the saying "People don't really change"

BUT !!!
People can actually change if they want to.

First, you've gotta wanna change
Second, If you really want to change,
you have to be 'awake' most of the time,
meaning, you're really aware of what you're doing, what you're saying, the effects you have on others
that way, you'll pay attention to what you're doing/saying and you'll always try to be a better person and you'll always be improving yourself.
then.... under that circumstances

you just have to want it and make an effort and stay 'awake' all the time :)

Saturday, January 9, 2010

We are actually Ready

Most people don't realize that we as individuals are equipped with everything we need to succeed in life.
We're all useful, we're all meaningful, even the poorest of the poor can prove themselves talented if they just had more chances in life.
and for the rest of us, the ones that are considered the lucky ones, We need to make every second counts.
Each and every one of us is blessed with individual distinct talent.
We need to work on it, tirelessly.
We need to kick "laziness & procrastination" goodbye
then We need to let go of the fear and the "what if I fail?" questions
and We just need to believe in ourselves and the higher power :)
Then one day, you'll get there..... you'll achieve your dreams.
and hopefully, you'll help others to also get there :D

Easy way to memorize things

Record it and play it over and over again.
It does so work !!!

I was going for a piano exam, Royal exam ? Royal what ? I can't remember.
I think there was a theory test as well.
Anyhoo.... there was so much stuff to remember , and I've forgotton most of them anyway...
okay... easy example.... what is staccato, what is legato, etc

So what I did was read them out loud and record it.
I mixed it with some songs so I wouldn't get bored.
put it on your mp3 player, phone, cd player, whatever.....
I'd listen to it whenever I can, and after a while, I remembered everything.
It was so easy, I didn't even have to try to memorize them.
Apparently hearing things over and over again makes you remember them.

That's maybe why it's not a good idea to listen to songs with destructive violent lyric.
Listen to songs with inspirational and encouraging lyrics instead :)

So...............if you wanna memorize things, record it and listen to it over and over again and mix it with some good songs so you don't get bored.
give it a try.... :)

Take care of yourself !!

I'm not talking about sleeping enough, eating right, bla bla bla....
we all know about that already.

I'm talking about taking care of your body
I know you think you're strong.... but pay attention and try to take care of yourself everytime.

I once helped a friend dragged a heavy suitcase up the stairs, I seriously think that she was only pretending to push the suitcase up the stairs so I was doing all the heavy work dragging it up.
the next day, I ended up hurting my right hip/back.....the pain is all gone now
but the day after that, I was making my bed despite the mild pain and I did experience the 2 second blackout and the super sharp pain on my right hip/back.
and Now.... If I carry stuff that are a tad bit heavy, the pain would come back... mildly but so uncomfortably.
I thought I was strong,.... but I now know better.
If you feel the stuff's too heavy... don't act like a hero, ask for another helping hand !!!
Take care of yourself !!!

Another one,
I was brushing my dog's hair and she heard the door bell rang, so she quickly jumped up as she usually does and started barking.
and guess what ???
when she jumped up suddenly, her nail accidentally scratched my cornea.... yupp... the thin transparent outer layer of your eye.
It didn't hurt, but dog's nail = super dirty , eye = very fragile , you do the math.
I was out of town in the country so we had to drive 1 hour more to see an eye doctor.
I seriously don't know the difference between an opthamologist and and optometrist, hence, eye doctor ;p
So.... he checked my eyes with a very modest tool, a magnifying glasses and a flashlight, yup... an old school flashlight and he prescribed two different eyedrops to be err... dropped ;p each hour alternately for 3-4 days.
I'm so lucky it was a mild scratch and my eye is ok now.

and Don't torture your eyes by staring at the computer for too long !!!
It's not worth the sacrifice, seriously !!!
take a break.... yes NOW....
look away..... blink blink...... rest your eyes !!!!
take care of your precious eyes, you're gonna want them to last forever !!!

I'm talking about taking that extra precautions whenever you do anything....
Don't care what people think, just take care of yourself, take care of your body, you're gonna need it for as long as you're alive.

I'm so wearing that transparent plastic eye goggle the next time I brush my dog's hair and probably even when I paint ;p
probably not, but We'll see :)
and Don't..... don't think you're strong enough to do anything by yourself, you might end up hurting yourself forever, so always always ask for help.
You're not weak, you're being smart !!!