Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Always use your own camera !

So whenever I go to a party or a gathering with friends, we'd take pictures, right ?
I've said to myself over and over again "USE MY OWN CAMERA"
but sometimes I think, oh she's a good friend of mine, I see her all the time, I'll definitely get the photos of our New Year's party from her.

For some reason, a lot of people just don't send you the photos.
They don't send it to you via email, they don't upload it to facebook.
They just keep it in their computer and it's not like they look hideous in those pics, they're just plain lazy.

It's just so annoying..... we had a little get together the other day and my 2 friends brought their cameras.
So I'm like, you are so sending me the photos and they go, of course, I'll even upload them on facebook tonight.
that was 3 weeks ago.
I've asked them to upload just at least 1 photo.
nothing !!!!!
and they're not like super busy or anything,
Well, one of them is kinda busy but the other one is online on facebook almost everyday.
So I seriously don't know why they don't upload the photos....

The moral of the story
If you want to have the photos,
Always bring your own camera, Always use your own camera !!!

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