Tuesday, June 16, 2009

I sometimes like handwriting

Yup... I don't know why, it doesn't happen often, but from time to time, I totally enjoy writing down stuff using a pen. I don't have the best handwriting, but it's kinda fun seeing letters becomes words becomes phrases becomes sentences and how the pen glides on the paper.
I kinda like my handwriting, although in general I prefer typing on the keyboard, it's faster and it's saved on to my computer.

I don't have my laptop with me all the time, so I keep a small booklet with me always, so everytime I got an idea to write about something, the booklet is always there.
So when I was writing this, I didn't have anything to do and I was just writing this on the booklet and it was fun and I totally enjoyed each continous stroke of the pen , it was like flowing and I wanted to write more and more.

You know when you handwrite something, you are more aware of the word indications, such as the accents, the apostrophe / punctuation mark, etc. So if you're learning a foreign language, it's best to handwrite, it'll make you remember more.

btw, Studying European languages, French, Italian, German, Portuguese, Spanish, they all have a lot of rules in the grammar department, plus the conjugations.
For me it's like learning mathematics all over again ;p
But fun though, I love learning languages.

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