Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Learn to see the goodness in people

So your dad is annoying, you don't get along, he snores and he embarasses you.
But he's given everything for you, he's paid for everything that you have and you know he'll give up his life for you.
So instead of being annoyed everytime he's around, feeling embarassed by his silly remarks, and thinking that you can't stand him anymore. Focus on the good, focus on his love for you , focus on what he's done for you, focus on having a complete family and I promise you, you'd be so much happier, you'll feel blessed for such a wonderful dad. Focus on the good and your Life would be so much more beautiful.

It's the same for whatever situations in you life.
Annoying office lady, Obnoxious receptionist, Ungrateful friends.
If you look close enough and focus on the good,
they are merely office lady, receptionist and friends.
Try it, Focus on the good.

Always See the Goodness in people, in everything, in whatever situation.
Try, Learn how to, Start now.
Focus on the good and your Life would be so much more beautiful.

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