Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Worry worry worry

We all feel worried from time to time, and for most of us, we can't control our feeling worried.
So How do you control it ? How do you stop worrying ?

I myself worry too much, I think.
I worry on the littlest things.
One time, I was in Milan, Italy (study purposes) and I wanted to renew my permesso di soggiorno (permit of stay, you need to have this permit to stay in that country, so even if your visa is expired, you can still legally stay there.)
If you've been to Italy, you know how crazy the bureaucracy is.
It was hard the first time I obtained my first permesso di soggiorno, there was a long line , we all had to wait in line hours before the office opens, the bathroom was extremely dirty-unusable, we had to wait for hours and hours and hours to wait for our turn, the officers were unfriendly, plus my Italian was at a beginners level. It was really a horrible day.
So to renew the permesso, all I have to do is go to the nearest appointed police station *if I'm not mistaken, it's been a few years, I forgot*
I got all my papers ready, but I was so worried about going there, I pictured different situations in my head, what to say, what to ask, I was worried that they were going to be mean to me, I was worried there were gonna be a long line, I was worried that I needed to pee but there was no decent toilet, I was worried on the bus on the way there, I was worried as I entered the building.
But it turned out, there was no line at all, the officer was nice, He checked all my papers, and simply told me to come back in 2 weeks time to get my new permesso di soggiorno.
So I was worried for nothing !!! If I had known, I wouldn't have worried so much. I would just relax.
But the thing is, I didn't know so I worried so much.

For most of the situations in our lives, we won't know what will happen in the future, whether it will turn out bad or good.
We all need to live in the NOW.
So in my case, I was worried for nothing, everything turned out fine. but I spent days, hours, worrying and making myself feel miserable.

My feeling worried didn't help anything in anyway.
If I felt worried and things turned out bad, my worry is not going to make things worse or better.
If I didn't feel worried, and things turned out find, it's not going to make things worse or better either.
So I choose not to feel worried, because it is useless.
Worrying is totally pointless.
I'd rather relax myself and hope for the best result that may happen from doing the best that I could possibly can.

So next time, in whatever things I do in my life, I'm just gonna make sure all the preparations is done well, everything is ready, I'm gonna do my best and I'm not gonna worry, I'm just going to relax and hope that everything will work out fine.
I will try that and hope for the best.

And I also know this, in the simplest situation or even at the worst extreme situation, We should leave it all to Him.
In whatever situation, do your best, and everything else depends on Him.
Some things are out of our control no matter what we do, so instead of worrying, just do your best, then let worry go, have total faith.
Sounds simple ?
well, It is that simple.

So let it go.
The outcome may surprise you :)
But whatever the result is, believe that there's a reason for everything, and you don't have to know the reason, but just believe that it's the best for you right now.
so Trust Him and you'll feel so much better :D

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