I must stop it ;p
So, instead of writing too long and spending too much time thinking about it
I must do quick articles instead
Photos/Pictures/Images on every post - not necessary
if I've got more time, I'll put a little more time n effort to "beautify" my posts.
I know even I prefer to read a post with pics on it instead of just plain writings.
But now, I just don't have the time to add pics to every posts.
Why ?
because I have more than 1 blog.
it seems every once in a while I come up with a new idea for a new blog ;p
I love blogging just as it is and
At first, It was more exciting to find out that you can also make money out of blogging.
but blogging is not making enough money for me right now so I shouldn't spend way too much time on it.
time to move on a bit
love blogging, love writing, I like sharing my ideas and thoughts
but no need to spend a whole day writing an article
so I need to quickly jolt ideas like I'm writing a draft
actually I need to just use this draft instead of writing a new one
make this a new habit.... quick, spontaneous, meaningful
Besides, I'm torturing my eyes by staring at the monitor for way too long.
Okay... this post has taken more than 30 mins now, I really should stop before I start re-reading and re-writing the whole article.
So, I'm still going to blog because I like blogging, love it ? maybe....
I'm even thinking of merging all of my blogs into 1 so I don't have to scatter all my thoughts all over my blogs, but each blogs have different topics and I'd like to stay anonymous, so ;p
but either way, I'm going to limit my blogging time and use my time for something else more productive :)
But sometimes I just can't help not writing and elaborating my thoughts and ideas, so I might not be able to control those "urges" ;p
oh I'm doing it again.
less time blogging and more time to do other things
Monday, December 28, 2009
Stop Complaining and Be Grateful !!
I'm a complainer
I sometimes don't realize that I complain a lot.
But when I do, oh boy.... I feel so guilty....
I complain when things don't go my way
I complain when the weather is too hot
I complain and complain and complain
Instead of making the most of my time and treasure each moment, I chose to waste my precious time doing useless things, watching TV, going to the mall, slacking around.
Instead of complaining, I should learn to be more grateful and thankful.
I should learn to celebrate the miracle of Life and treasure every moment.
This video shows you to be thankful and treasure every wonderful moments, because Life really is short, but in that short time, what's important is how you spend it and how you accept things that you can't change and make the most out of it.
Live Life with gratitude everyday.
Be thankful, Cherish every moment :)
I sometimes don't realize that I complain a lot.
But when I do, oh boy.... I feel so guilty....
I complain when things don't go my way
I complain when the weather is too hot
I complain and complain and complain
Instead of making the most of my time and treasure each moment, I chose to waste my precious time doing useless things, watching TV, going to the mall, slacking around.
Instead of complaining, I should learn to be more grateful and thankful.
I should learn to celebrate the miracle of Life and treasure every moment.
This video shows you to be thankful and treasure every wonderful moments, because Life really is short, but in that short time, what's important is how you spend it and how you accept things that you can't change and make the most out of it.
Live Life with gratitude everyday.
Be thankful, Cherish every moment :)
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Why forgive ? Why be good ?
I can't stand annoying self centered obnoxious people
I can't stand rich people who look down on others
I don't like mean rude people
even so....
I'm not perfect myself
I've been rude, I've been self centered, I've looked down on others
What does it have to do with forgiveness ?
I don't know, I tend to wander slightly from the topic, but read on, Forgiveness is coming.
Since I can't stand annoying obnoxious loud people who thinks they're better than everyone.
I choose to avoid them, because I can't stand them, and I think I'm better than them.
That's mistake number 1
I think I'm better than them.
I'm not
Once I think I'm better than them, I'm exactly them.
So....Remember to stay modest and humble and always try to be a sincere person.
You know how sometimes people offend you and afterwards you choose not to hang out with them anymore.
Or when friends did something wrong or lied to you and you choose to "hate" them for life.
and yes.... you think you're a better person than them.
You choose to not forgive them.
Even when you know you won't see them ever again, you choose to "hate" them and everytime the topic came out, you still get "angry" or at least you feel "bothered" over something that happened years ago.
Here's the thing
If you forgive someone, it gives you peace of mind, it lifts your burden, it makes you feel good.
and somehow, it's good for them too. If that someone really felt sorry for what happened and when you've truly forgiven that someone I think they can somehow feel it.
So it's a win win.
then you say
"But they won't ever change, they'll stay annoying and rude and mean to others"
"But what they did to me was unforgiveable, I can't ever forgive them"
"They never said sorry"
It doesn't matter......
Some people will never change
Some people do and try to correct their wrongs
Some people just can't say sorry because they're afraid how you'd react even though they really feel awful inside.
But it doesn't matter
Forgiving someone doesn't require conditions.
You forgive them just because it's the right thing to do, you know it is, you just don't want to or you think it's not time yet.
Forgiving someone doesn't mean that they win, that you lose because you stand down.
No.... Forgiving someone means you win over your ego.
Forgiving someone means that you realize that Life is beautiful as it is and you shouldn't burden it with hatred and anger.
Forgiving someone means you're growing as a person.
If you can't forgive someone just yet.
Then Forgive them for your own good.
Why ?
Because when you forgive, you eliminate the anger, hatred that's been burdening and bothering your mind.
When you Let go and Forgive, you somehow "cleanse" yourself of those negative energy.
Forgiving is not the same as Forgetting, you may forget something but when you're reminded of it, you still get angry, it's not forgiving.
Forgiving someone is Letting go and you're not bothered anymore. You're at peace.
It's good for your mind, for your soul, for your health.
You already know how stress, hatred, anger affects our body and our health.
So do it for your own good
Forgive for your own good.
You'll see that you breathe freely
You'll see it'll put a smile on your face.
How to forgive ?
Know that you're not perfect
Know that you also made mistakes
Know that you also have offended someone
Know that you have wronged someone
and after you realize that you're also flawed, you realize that you want to right your wrongs
You want to be a good person.
Then try to forgive, just Let go and Forgive
You have to want to forgive
It's got to be sincere
You have to Let go
If you still can't forgive
then ask for His help in prayers
Say that you really want to forgive that someone but you're still angry and you can't at this moment and Ask Him to change your heart.
It's a process..... but the moment you ask for His help, you're on your way.
and It does get easier, really.
For me....
I'm not perfect I know
I'm proud, I still feel I'm better than most people, I still look down on others
I'm not perfect
Sometimes I don't even care, my pride tells me that I really AM better than most.
But then....
my 11 year old dog has a tumor
She's already had 1 operation last year and it went well.
It was the worst time, I cried before the operation, I cried during and after hoping that she'd be fine.
The week after the operation was also bad because I didn't know what would happen to her. She was weak and I had to apply cream to her stitches and gave her antibiotics everyday.
She's fine now and she looks very healthy , still running around everywhere.
But the tumor is still spreading and it looks like she may need another operation to remove the tumor.
The vet can't guarantee a safe operation to remove the tumor due to her age.
I don't know what to do.
So I gave her the best food that I can
and I pray for her.
I pray that her tumor shrinks and goes away.
I pray that she stays healthy for many more years.
and as I was praying for her, I just realized,
or maybe I was "made" to realize
How can I pray and ask for my dog's health, How can I ask for such a favour, How can I ask for a pure miracle while my heart is still filled with hatred and anger ?
Even though it's a minor hatred and anger, it's still hatred and anger none the less.
How can I ask Him for something precious when my heart is still "dirty" ?
and Who am I anyway ?
Who am I to ask for a miracle and not give something back in return ?
Who am I to demand a miracle and still act however way I want to ?
Who am I to just ask him to do stuff for me and not do something back in return ?
Who am I ? period.
The least that I can do is a be thankful, be a good person and live according to His ways.
then I do what I can to achieve what I pray for.
The rest I leave to His Hands.
Think about it....
How can we ask something good to happen to us when we still wish something bad to happen to others that we hate.
So you don't wish something bad to happen to them, but If something bad do happen to them, you just shrug and maybe smile a little and say "they deserve it"
If that's who we are, How can we ask for something good to happen to us ?
How can we ask for anything at all ?
Even if we don't care about others, If we don't care what happens to others that have wronged us, Even so.... it's still wrong.
As for my dog & me,
My dog is doing ok now. She seems very healthy.
The tumor is still there and it's still growing.
There's nothing else that I can do except to love her and feed her the best that I can.
and I Pray for a miracle :)
I try to be a good person, to forgive others, to have a sincere heart.
so that when I pray for her, I come with pure intentions without any hidden or oppressed hatred towards others, that I come with a "clean" heart.
and that's all that matters :)
So Forgive
Forgive others, Forgive yourself
Let it Go and Forgive
Be a good person
Have a good heart, a pure sincere heart.
It's a journey, Stay in the path.
Listen to the voice within, it's in everyone.
Listen to Him.
Be good :)
God Bless you
I can't stand rich people who look down on others
I don't like mean rude people
even so....
I'm not perfect myself
I've been rude, I've been self centered, I've looked down on others
What does it have to do with forgiveness ?
I don't know, I tend to wander slightly from the topic, but read on, Forgiveness is coming.
Since I can't stand annoying obnoxious loud people who thinks they're better than everyone.
I choose to avoid them, because I can't stand them, and I think I'm better than them.
That's mistake number 1
I think I'm better than them.
I'm not
Once I think I'm better than them, I'm exactly them.
So....Remember to stay modest and humble and always try to be a sincere person.
You know how sometimes people offend you and afterwards you choose not to hang out with them anymore.
Or when friends did something wrong or lied to you and you choose to "hate" them for life.
and yes.... you think you're a better person than them.
You choose to not forgive them.
Even when you know you won't see them ever again, you choose to "hate" them and everytime the topic came out, you still get "angry" or at least you feel "bothered" over something that happened years ago.
Here's the thing
If you forgive someone, it gives you peace of mind, it lifts your burden, it makes you feel good.
and somehow, it's good for them too. If that someone really felt sorry for what happened and when you've truly forgiven that someone I think they can somehow feel it.
So it's a win win.
then you say
"But they won't ever change, they'll stay annoying and rude and mean to others"
"But what they did to me was unforgiveable, I can't ever forgive them"
"They never said sorry"
It doesn't matter......
Some people will never change
Some people do and try to correct their wrongs
Some people just can't say sorry because they're afraid how you'd react even though they really feel awful inside.
But it doesn't matter
Forgiving someone doesn't require conditions.
You forgive them just because it's the right thing to do, you know it is, you just don't want to or you think it's not time yet.
Forgiving someone doesn't mean that they win, that you lose because you stand down.
No.... Forgiving someone means you win over your ego.
Forgiving someone means that you realize that Life is beautiful as it is and you shouldn't burden it with hatred and anger.
Forgiving someone means you're growing as a person.
If you can't forgive someone just yet.
Then Forgive them for your own good.
Why ?
Because when you forgive, you eliminate the anger, hatred that's been burdening and bothering your mind.
When you Let go and Forgive, you somehow "cleanse" yourself of those negative energy.
Forgiving is not the same as Forgetting, you may forget something but when you're reminded of it, you still get angry, it's not forgiving.
Forgiving someone is Letting go and you're not bothered anymore. You're at peace.
It's good for your mind, for your soul, for your health.
You already know how stress, hatred, anger affects our body and our health.
So do it for your own good
Forgive for your own good.
You'll see that you breathe freely
You'll see it'll put a smile on your face.
How to forgive ?
Know that you're not perfect
Know that you also made mistakes
Know that you also have offended someone
Know that you have wronged someone
and after you realize that you're also flawed, you realize that you want to right your wrongs
You want to be a good person.
Then try to forgive, just Let go and Forgive
You have to want to forgive
It's got to be sincere
You have to Let go
If you still can't forgive
then ask for His help in prayers
Say that you really want to forgive that someone but you're still angry and you can't at this moment and Ask Him to change your heart.
It's a process..... but the moment you ask for His help, you're on your way.
and It does get easier, really.
For me....
I'm not perfect I know
I'm proud, I still feel I'm better than most people, I still look down on others
I'm not perfect
Sometimes I don't even care, my pride tells me that I really AM better than most.
But then....
my 11 year old dog has a tumor
She's already had 1 operation last year and it went well.
It was the worst time, I cried before the operation, I cried during and after hoping that she'd be fine.
The week after the operation was also bad because I didn't know what would happen to her. She was weak and I had to apply cream to her stitches and gave her antibiotics everyday.
She's fine now and she looks very healthy , still running around everywhere.
But the tumor is still spreading and it looks like she may need another operation to remove the tumor.
The vet can't guarantee a safe operation to remove the tumor due to her age.
I don't know what to do.
So I gave her the best food that I can
and I pray for her.
I pray that her tumor shrinks and goes away.
I pray that she stays healthy for many more years.
and as I was praying for her, I just realized,
or maybe I was "made" to realize
How can I pray and ask for my dog's health, How can I ask for such a favour, How can I ask for a pure miracle while my heart is still filled with hatred and anger ?
Even though it's a minor hatred and anger, it's still hatred and anger none the less.
How can I ask Him for something precious when my heart is still "dirty" ?
and Who am I anyway ?
Who am I to ask for a miracle and not give something back in return ?
Who am I to demand a miracle and still act however way I want to ?
Who am I to just ask him to do stuff for me and not do something back in return ?
Who am I ? period.
The least that I can do is a be thankful, be a good person and live according to His ways.
then I do what I can to achieve what I pray for.
The rest I leave to His Hands.
Think about it....
How can we ask something good to happen to us when we still wish something bad to happen to others that we hate.
So you don't wish something bad to happen to them, but If something bad do happen to them, you just shrug and maybe smile a little and say "they deserve it"
If that's who we are, How can we ask for something good to happen to us ?
How can we ask for anything at all ?
Even if we don't care about others, If we don't care what happens to others that have wronged us, Even so.... it's still wrong.
As for my dog & me,
My dog is doing ok now. She seems very healthy.
The tumor is still there and it's still growing.
There's nothing else that I can do except to love her and feed her the best that I can.
and I Pray for a miracle :)
I try to be a good person, to forgive others, to have a sincere heart.
so that when I pray for her, I come with pure intentions without any hidden or oppressed hatred towards others, that I come with a "clean" heart.
and that's all that matters :)
So Forgive
Forgive others, Forgive yourself
Let it Go and Forgive
Be a good person
Have a good heart, a pure sincere heart.
It's a journey, Stay in the path.
Listen to the voice within, it's in everyone.
Listen to Him.
Be good :)
God Bless you
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Is Facebook making you depressed ?
Do you find looking at photos of your friends at facebook is depressing ?
especially when you have nothing to brag about ?
Yes they're your dear friends and you are happy for them, but looking at smiling pics of friends and their wives/husbands and kids abroad, in front of their big houses, etc and you look at yourself and you feel so left behind, so far behind.
You feel like a failure, the more you look at people's photos, the more you get depressed.
First, know this :
- Their lives are not yours
- What makes them happy might not make you happy
- What you think might make you happy, might not make you happy.
So why get depressed ?
Live in the now, be happy in the now, Keep trying to achieve your dreams. Be thankful, Cherish your Life and Don't care what you think others might think of you. They're too busy thinking what others might think of them.
Work on what you've got.... Keep at it.
Take myself for instance
Some people would think I'm a failure
yes I was.... see that... past tense.
I have a very easy life so I was wasting time all the time and not pursue my dreams because I think there's always tomorrow, but I'm awake now, I'm ready to live my life, I don't always succeed everyday, but I try to. I don't wanna throw my life away and live a useless life, I want to be someone, I want to live a meaningful Life.
I'm on the way to success now, even though you might still see me as a failure right now.
I'm going 30, I don't have a job and still single and I live with my parents.
There.... that's the perfect formula for destruction.
But I see it differently.
Different How ?
Here's How :
I search for my own happiness.
We are dictated of what a perfect life should be.
Married with kids, rich, big house, lots of cars, all smiles.
that's what we think is a perfect life.
Turns out, the Perfect Life differs for you and me.
It's different for everyone.
So....I'm 30 and single and live with my parents and I don't have a job.
Let's decipher that :
I live with my parents means I still spend a lot of times with my parents. I laugh with them, I argue with them, I eat with them, I see them everyday and I'm grateful for that.
I've lived in Australia, Milan, Paris alone, so the time that I now spend with parents, I cherish.
How many of the rich and successful end up regretfully saying "I wish I had spent more time with my parents" ?
Yes, You still live with your parents, so what ?
You don't need all that TV and movies and magazine to tell you that living with your parents is wrong.
It's wrong if you still need them to accompany you to work,
It's wrong if you still hold on to their shirt and won't let go.
It's wrong if you can't live far away from them because you need mom to make up your bed and do your laundry.
But if you're still living with your parents by choice because your parents are old and u need to take care of them or you're just beginning to start over, then Having the chance to still live with your parents is not something to be embarrassed about.
Culture also plays a role here, If you live in Asia or even in Italy, then it's totally ok for a grown-up to still live with his/her parents, but if you're living in North America, well...it's considered "unacceptable" by most.
But wherever you live or whatever your reasons are,
Make the most of your time living with your parents, make them happy, make them proud. Yes they will still piss you off and you will piss them off but there are definitely unbelievably good moments in between and that's priceless. You're still given the gift of time with your parents, how wonderful is that ? Cherish it.
I'm 30 and single means I still get to look for that "perfect-for-me" someone, and I don't have to take the kids to school and get worried sick whenever they fall ill.
I haven't found the one yet, so what ?
I'm still looking and that's fine.
There are of course the perfect married couple that are truly happy where they are right now and you just can't help but want that too.
But How many stories of married couples have you heard about silly little arguments that turn out into big fights ? or how selfish she/he is ?
I've heard stories from friends who told me that they regretted getting married to this guy/girl,
I've heard them say "You're so lucky you're still single"
"I wish I was still single"
"Don't get married just yet, enjoy your life"
"I'm bored of taking care of my family all the time"
I'm just glad I don't have to deal with those right now.
Of course I get lonely, of course I want someone in my life and have a perfect family of my own, I've even said to myself "I wish I was happily married" but it's just not here yet.
There's no point of being depressed over that, get out there and keep looking. Don't feel embarrassed and feel left out that you're still single, be Happy and be thankful in Life.
Nobody knows what others really feel, they may look perfectly happy but they're crying inside. What important is what you feel, if you're still single and you're totally fine with it, Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. It's your life, and your own perfect life is different from others.
If you want that special someone in your life, then look for him/her, but don't stress over it. Who cares if others judge you. Don't let others' judgments control you and how you feel. You should be able to enjoy the life you live.
I don't have a job means I have the time to make my dream job come true. I kept on wasting time before, but I'm changing, I'm starting to make my dream job and my dream life come true.
At this moment, I'm lucky to be able to work part time for my parents, and the free time I've got, I use to pursue my dream, it doesn't seem promising at the moment, but it is in progress and I'm doing my best and trusting it in His hands :)
So can you..... even if you already have a full time job, you can still pursue your dream job whenever you have a free time. But you need to start right now, not tomorrow.
How many people said "Boy I wish I had time to write more" but whenever he got some free time, he'd watch TV or websurf reading other people's success stories and be more depressed and wish for more free time to write.
Sound familiar ?
Use your time effectively, use it well.
What do you want to do ? What do you want to be ?
a writer ? an artist ? a singer ? a motivator ?
There are people who graduated from dentistry who become a marketing expert, or even start a small home catering business.
There are scientists who become artists and paints all day long in Europe. They realized what they truly want and made a career change and found Life !! Exciting, Amazing Life.
and it doesn't happen overnight, it took time, consistency, patience and hard work.
So what if I'm 30, single, still living with my parents and don't have a job. I'm being honest to you here, and I am starting my Life over, I'm making a lot of changes to my own life right now and I'm working to achieve my dream life.
and If you still think I'm a failure, then that's fine, it's your perception, and you're free to think anything you want.
Take a poor farmer for instance,
Who's to say that a poor farmer is not happy ?
I'm not saying all poor farmers are happy nor unhappy, but it's how we see things.
A farmer might not have much, but he's sincerely happy, he's able to laugh out loud often, sleeps well at night, have nothing to worry/stress about, he has enough in life, he can feed his family, he enjoys working in his field surrounded by nature's beauty all his life.
Why do we feel sorry for his super modest lifestyle ?
Why do we feel sorry for him being poor ?
He feels sorry for our tightly clenched jaws that don't laugh out loud often, He feels sorry for us stressing about work all the time, He feels sorry for us for always being in a hurry, He feels sorry for us for breathing polluted city air everyday. He feels sorry for us for not living and enjoying Life.
Another good illustration from an ad :
If you were a mom, Which do you choose ?
Proud of your son's rich and successful life but lonely
or Proud of your son's modest life but happy
I have this friend on facebook who seems to have it all, and I envy her life sometimes.
She travels like 10 times a year, flying first class with her hubby & kid and shops a lot and "brag" about everything on facebook all the time. (yes with status updates and pics)
She seems to have it all, a healthy family, wealth, happiness, in short, the dream life, but there was this one time she updated her facebook status and she said "I don't know what to do with my life *sigh* It feels empty"
Wow right ?
The girl who I think has it all turn out to feel that way, the girl that I sometimes envy, can actually say something like that, it actually makes me feel sorry for her.
Maybe that's why she shops a lot, maybe that's why she "brags" about everything on facebook, because she feels empty.
So Don't feel jealous and get depressed by your friend's "happy photos" and their successes because you don't really know what they're really feeling inside.
and If they're really successful and happy, then be sincerely happy for them and aim to achieve better :)
Be happy with your current state no matter what.
Be happy with yourself regardless of what you think others think of you, you are just beginning, you're starting your Life, of course you are at point zero right now, the only way to go is up.
The secret is to Start your Life right now whatever your situation is, just Listen to your Heart, to the Voice within, then just start living your Life, start that determination, that hard work, start pursuing your dream.
The moment you want to change yourself is the moment you're on your way to success.
Never allow them to make you think of yourself as a failure, Always think yourself as a winner.
Now what you have to do is stay awake and start pursuing your dreams, yes there will be hard work, perseverance and patience, but they'll all be enjoyable because you're doing what you've always wanted. you're doing what you Love.
You're so close :)
especially when you have nothing to brag about ?
Yes they're your dear friends and you are happy for them, but looking at smiling pics of friends and their wives/husbands and kids abroad, in front of their big houses, etc and you look at yourself and you feel so left behind, so far behind.
You feel like a failure, the more you look at people's photos, the more you get depressed.
First, know this :
- Their lives are not yours
- What makes them happy might not make you happy
- What you think might make you happy, might not make you happy.
So why get depressed ?
Live in the now, be happy in the now, Keep trying to achieve your dreams. Be thankful, Cherish your Life and Don't care what you think others might think of you. They're too busy thinking what others might think of them.
Work on what you've got.... Keep at it.
Take myself for instance
Some people would think I'm a failure
yes I was.... see that... past tense.
I have a very easy life so I was wasting time all the time and not pursue my dreams because I think there's always tomorrow, but I'm awake now, I'm ready to live my life, I don't always succeed everyday, but I try to. I don't wanna throw my life away and live a useless life, I want to be someone, I want to live a meaningful Life.
I'm on the way to success now, even though you might still see me as a failure right now.
I'm going 30, I don't have a job and still single and I live with my parents.
There.... that's the perfect formula for destruction.
But I see it differently.
Different How ?
Here's How :
I search for my own happiness.
We are dictated of what a perfect life should be.
Married with kids, rich, big house, lots of cars, all smiles.
that's what we think is a perfect life.
Turns out, the Perfect Life differs for you and me.
It's different for everyone.
So....I'm 30 and single and live with my parents and I don't have a job.
Let's decipher that :
I live with my parents means I still spend a lot of times with my parents. I laugh with them, I argue with them, I eat with them, I see them everyday and I'm grateful for that.
I've lived in Australia, Milan, Paris alone, so the time that I now spend with parents, I cherish.
How many of the rich and successful end up regretfully saying "I wish I had spent more time with my parents" ?
Yes, You still live with your parents, so what ?
You don't need all that TV and movies and magazine to tell you that living with your parents is wrong.
It's wrong if you still need them to accompany you to work,
It's wrong if you still hold on to their shirt and won't let go.
It's wrong if you can't live far away from them because you need mom to make up your bed and do your laundry.
But if you're still living with your parents by choice because your parents are old and u need to take care of them or you're just beginning to start over, then Having the chance to still live with your parents is not something to be embarrassed about.
Culture also plays a role here, If you live in Asia or even in Italy, then it's totally ok for a grown-up to still live with his/her parents, but if you're living in North America, well...it's considered "unacceptable" by most.
But wherever you live or whatever your reasons are,
Make the most of your time living with your parents, make them happy, make them proud. Yes they will still piss you off and you will piss them off but there are definitely unbelievably good moments in between and that's priceless. You're still given the gift of time with your parents, how wonderful is that ? Cherish it.
I'm 30 and single means I still get to look for that "perfect-for-me" someone, and I don't have to take the kids to school and get worried sick whenever they fall ill.
I haven't found the one yet, so what ?
I'm still looking and that's fine.
There are of course the perfect married couple that are truly happy where they are right now and you just can't help but want that too.
But How many stories of married couples have you heard about silly little arguments that turn out into big fights ? or how selfish she/he is ?
I've heard stories from friends who told me that they regretted getting married to this guy/girl,
I've heard them say "You're so lucky you're still single"
"I wish I was still single"
"Don't get married just yet, enjoy your life"
"I'm bored of taking care of my family all the time"
I'm just glad I don't have to deal with those right now.
Of course I get lonely, of course I want someone in my life and have a perfect family of my own, I've even said to myself "I wish I was happily married" but it's just not here yet.
There's no point of being depressed over that, get out there and keep looking. Don't feel embarrassed and feel left out that you're still single, be Happy and be thankful in Life.
Nobody knows what others really feel, they may look perfectly happy but they're crying inside. What important is what you feel, if you're still single and you're totally fine with it, Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. It's your life, and your own perfect life is different from others.
If you want that special someone in your life, then look for him/her, but don't stress over it. Who cares if others judge you. Don't let others' judgments control you and how you feel. You should be able to enjoy the life you live.
I don't have a job means I have the time to make my dream job come true. I kept on wasting time before, but I'm changing, I'm starting to make my dream job and my dream life come true.
At this moment, I'm lucky to be able to work part time for my parents, and the free time I've got, I use to pursue my dream, it doesn't seem promising at the moment, but it is in progress and I'm doing my best and trusting it in His hands :)
So can you..... even if you already have a full time job, you can still pursue your dream job whenever you have a free time. But you need to start right now, not tomorrow.
How many people said "Boy I wish I had time to write more" but whenever he got some free time, he'd watch TV or websurf reading other people's success stories and be more depressed and wish for more free time to write.
Sound familiar ?
Use your time effectively, use it well.
What do you want to do ? What do you want to be ?
a writer ? an artist ? a singer ? a motivator ?
There are people who graduated from dentistry who become a marketing expert, or even start a small home catering business.
There are scientists who become artists and paints all day long in Europe. They realized what they truly want and made a career change and found Life !! Exciting, Amazing Life.
and it doesn't happen overnight, it took time, consistency, patience and hard work.
So what if I'm 30, single, still living with my parents and don't have a job. I'm being honest to you here, and I am starting my Life over, I'm making a lot of changes to my own life right now and I'm working to achieve my dream life.
and If you still think I'm a failure, then that's fine, it's your perception, and you're free to think anything you want.
Take a poor farmer for instance,
Who's to say that a poor farmer is not happy ?
I'm not saying all poor farmers are happy nor unhappy, but it's how we see things.
A farmer might not have much, but he's sincerely happy, he's able to laugh out loud often, sleeps well at night, have nothing to worry/stress about, he has enough in life, he can feed his family, he enjoys working in his field surrounded by nature's beauty all his life.
Why do we feel sorry for his super modest lifestyle ?
Why do we feel sorry for him being poor ?
He feels sorry for our tightly clenched jaws that don't laugh out loud often, He feels sorry for us stressing about work all the time, He feels sorry for us for always being in a hurry, He feels sorry for us for breathing polluted city air everyday. He feels sorry for us for not living and enjoying Life.
Another good illustration from an ad :
If you were a mom, Which do you choose ?
Proud of your son's rich and successful life but lonely
or Proud of your son's modest life but happy
I have this friend on facebook who seems to have it all, and I envy her life sometimes.
She travels like 10 times a year, flying first class with her hubby & kid and shops a lot and "brag" about everything on facebook all the time. (yes with status updates and pics)
She seems to have it all, a healthy family, wealth, happiness, in short, the dream life, but there was this one time she updated her facebook status and she said "I don't know what to do with my life *sigh* It feels empty"
Wow right ?
The girl who I think has it all turn out to feel that way, the girl that I sometimes envy, can actually say something like that, it actually makes me feel sorry for her.
Maybe that's why she shops a lot, maybe that's why she "brags" about everything on facebook, because she feels empty.
So Don't feel jealous and get depressed by your friend's "happy photos" and their successes because you don't really know what they're really feeling inside.
and If they're really successful and happy, then be sincerely happy for them and aim to achieve better :)
Be happy with your current state no matter what.
Be happy with yourself regardless of what you think others think of you, you are just beginning, you're starting your Life, of course you are at point zero right now, the only way to go is up.
The secret is to Start your Life right now whatever your situation is, just Listen to your Heart, to the Voice within, then just start living your Life, start that determination, that hard work, start pursuing your dream.
The moment you want to change yourself is the moment you're on your way to success.
Never allow them to make you think of yourself as a failure, Always think yourself as a winner.
Now what you have to do is stay awake and start pursuing your dreams, yes there will be hard work, perseverance and patience, but they'll all be enjoyable because you're doing what you've always wanted. you're doing what you Love.
You're so close :)
Thursday, October 15, 2009
How to start Living your Life Right Now ?
- Definitely Not by reading 300 Motivational books to prep you up and still feel not ready and search for other Motivational books, You're just stalling.
Let's start Now.
- Not by writing piles of things to do.
Sometimes you when you start writing your to-do list, you spend so much time on it and you keep on writing it, only to find yourself overwhelmed in the end and you postpone it for another day, and another day and another day.
Let's start Now.
- Not by day-dreaming all the time.
Dreaming is good, it makes you focus on your goal.
But day dreaming to the max without any action is just wasting time.
It's really wasting time and when you wake, you find yourself the same old you and you got scared and choose to go back to day dreaming instead of facing reality.
- Not by websurfing / blogging till 3 am and waking up really late the next day, everyday.
You need to have a discipline in Life.
You need a consistency in Life
You need to have a Healthy Daily Fun/Flexible Routine if you want to work hard to achive your dream. Why ? so you don't get burnt. You need to be in control of your Life, Know when is enough, know when is the time to Rest.
- You definitely have to Start Right Now.
Yes.... Right at this moment.
If it's 11 pm, then try to Rest and go to Sleep, so you can wake up fresh tomorrow.
If it's 8 pm, yes you can still start now, Start thinking strategically of what you can do and what you want to do.
Don't wait till tomorrow, Don't wait till the TV show go into commercial, Don't wait 5 minutes after you've done playing Mafia Wars on Facebook.
Start Now if possible.
Yes now.
Start Now. Seriously, It's right now or you'll always be procrastinating for the rest of your life.
Let's try to Start Living your Life right now :)
Start small.... Don't get overwhelmed, Just start.
Start with yourself, You need discipline and consistency in order to success.
Example :
I've always wanted to help others, but I'm not a super outgoing person who's good at giving advice, but I know I want to help others.
So I design stuff and put it up on sale and all the profits will go to charity.
That's a start. I believe it will grow from there.
Who knows one day Oprah will see my design and invite me as a guest at her talkshow ?
Who knows my designs will hit a worldwide sale record.
Who knows ?
Who knows what will happen ?
None of that will happen if I'm too afraid and too lazy to start.
None of that will happen if I keep on procrastinating.
What if I've started and my designs don't sell ?
Then you keep designing and keep on being better at designing.
and Leave the rest to Him.
Do your best and stop thinking about what If's.
Miracles do happen in time, you'll see. :)
Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.
Proverbs 3:5-6
Another example :
If a busy housewife had a dream last night and she wanted to make it a worldwide bestseller novel and made it into a movie.
You'd think she's just talking crazy, right ?
Impossible, right ?
It'd be impossible if Stephanie Meyer didn't get busy and started writing her novels.
It'd be impossible if she didn't find time to effectively write her novels.
But she got started as soon as she got the time to write, she kept on writing, she kept her responsibility as a mum, and finally when the novel's done, she kept on trying to publish her books.
And now, Twilight is a crazy blockbuster movie.
It's a hit worldwide..... and it started with a dream and a lot of hard work making it come true.
We often leave that part out, we need the Hard Work to make our dreams come true.
We need the passion, the discipline and the consistency to keep at it.
Sometimes it seems like we are too busy and we don't have enough time or the energy to pursue
our dreams, but you can always squeeze in time. Everything is possible.
So why don't you start Right now :)
" Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of other's opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary. "
Steve Jobs
So Start Now :)
Although I find the story of making Twilight is an inspirational one (dream-housewife-hardwork-bestseller book-blockbuster movie) but the message of the book-movie is wrong.
A teenage girl wanting to give away her whole life to be a vampire because she thinks she's in love, I think the message is twisted and corrupt, there I said it.
That's a wrong message to send out to all teenage girls out there.
What ? give up your soul to be with a good looking "demon" ?
So yeah, the movie may be harmless if it's only watched as purely entertainment, but there are a lot of dedicated hysterical fans out there.
So, to them, Be careful ! Don't let the stupid message affect you, Think wisely !!
Let's start Now.
- Not by writing piles of things to do.
Sometimes you when you start writing your to-do list, you spend so much time on it and you keep on writing it, only to find yourself overwhelmed in the end and you postpone it for another day, and another day and another day.
Let's start Now.
- Not by day-dreaming all the time.
Dreaming is good, it makes you focus on your goal.
But day dreaming to the max without any action is just wasting time.
It's really wasting time and when you wake, you find yourself the same old you and you got scared and choose to go back to day dreaming instead of facing reality.
- Not by websurfing / blogging till 3 am and waking up really late the next day, everyday.
You need to have a discipline in Life.
You need a consistency in Life
You need to have a Healthy Daily Fun/Flexible Routine if you want to work hard to achive your dream. Why ? so you don't get burnt. You need to be in control of your Life, Know when is enough, know when is the time to Rest.
- You definitely have to Start Right Now.
Yes.... Right at this moment.
If it's 11 pm, then try to Rest and go to Sleep, so you can wake up fresh tomorrow.
If it's 8 pm, yes you can still start now, Start thinking strategically of what you can do and what you want to do.
Don't wait till tomorrow, Don't wait till the TV show go into commercial, Don't wait 5 minutes after you've done playing Mafia Wars on Facebook.
Start Now if possible.
Yes now.
Start Now. Seriously, It's right now or you'll always be procrastinating for the rest of your life.
Let's try to Start Living your Life right now :)
Start small.... Don't get overwhelmed, Just start.
Start with yourself, You need discipline and consistency in order to success.
Example :
I've always wanted to help others, but I'm not a super outgoing person who's good at giving advice, but I know I want to help others.
So I design stuff and put it up on sale and all the profits will go to charity.
That's a start. I believe it will grow from there.
Who knows one day Oprah will see my design and invite me as a guest at her talkshow ?
Who knows my designs will hit a worldwide sale record.
Who knows ?
Who knows what will happen ?
None of that will happen if I'm too afraid and too lazy to start.
None of that will happen if I keep on procrastinating.
What if I've started and my designs don't sell ?
Then you keep designing and keep on being better at designing.
and Leave the rest to Him.
Do your best and stop thinking about what If's.
Miracles do happen in time, you'll see. :)
Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.
Proverbs 3:5-6
Another example :
If a busy housewife had a dream last night and she wanted to make it a worldwide bestseller novel and made it into a movie.
You'd think she's just talking crazy, right ?
Impossible, right ?
It'd be impossible if Stephanie Meyer didn't get busy and started writing her novels.
It'd be impossible if she didn't find time to effectively write her novels.
But she got started as soon as she got the time to write, she kept on writing, she kept her responsibility as a mum, and finally when the novel's done, she kept on trying to publish her books.
And now, Twilight is a crazy blockbuster movie.
It's a hit worldwide..... and it started with a dream and a lot of hard work making it come true.
We often leave that part out, we need the Hard Work to make our dreams come true.
We need the passion, the discipline and the consistency to keep at it.
Sometimes it seems like we are too busy and we don't have enough time or the energy to pursue
our dreams, but you can always squeeze in time. Everything is possible.
So why don't you start Right now :)
" Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of other's opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary. "
Steve Jobs
So Start Now :)
Although I find the story of making Twilight is an inspirational one (dream-housewife-hardwork-bestseller book-blockbuster movie) but the message of the book-movie is wrong.
A teenage girl wanting to give away her whole life to be a vampire because she thinks she's in love, I think the message is twisted and corrupt, there I said it.
That's a wrong message to send out to all teenage girls out there.
What ? give up your soul to be with a good looking "demon" ?
So yeah, the movie may be harmless if it's only watched as purely entertainment, but there are a lot of dedicated hysterical fans out there.
So, to them, Be careful ! Don't let the stupid message affect you, Think wisely !!
Saturday, October 10, 2009
EarthQuake !!!............... Are you Ready ?
I'm lucky to never have had a big earthquake experience in my Life.
I've had minor ones where the the big crystal lamp in our house would sway a few times, but it always lasted only a short while to be alarmed.
and I've never experienced earthquake in public places, usually it happened when I'm at home.
A few weeks back, I was at a supermarket with my mum and she went "I think my head is spinning, but ..... Do you feel that ?"
I was like "huh....what ? r u ok mum ?" and it hit me, it was an earthquake, so I grabbed her arm and we walked outside really fast, not quite running though.
Luckily it was a small supermarket instead of the ones in the basement/top floor of a mall, So there was no frantic running down the fire escape out of the building.
When we walked outside to our car, and the ground was still shaking, it was more of a sway than a shake really. Then everyone else got outside on the parking lot, basically just standing still, not knowing what to do, it kept on swaying and kinda made me feel like I was on a boat really.
The earthquake lasted for a long 5 minutes, well... maybe not 5 minutes, actually I dunno exactly how long it lasted.... it felt like 5 minutes tho. ;p

And as we waited for the earthquake to stop, I thought to myself.
What if this is it ?
What if there's no more tomorrow ?
What if the everything started to fall over our heads, the buildings, the neon signs, the electricity poles, and then the ground started opening up. okay... too much holywood scene there.
But What if I die right there ?
Am I ready to die ?
Have I done enough in this world ?
Have I made a difference in this world ? If not for others, at least Have I done something good for myself and my family ?
Have I learnt anything in Life ?
Can I leave peacefully knowing that I've done good ?
The answer to all of that is No.
I haven't achieved anything in my Life
I haven't made my parents proud
I'm not ready to die. period.
At that moment, I wanted to change my Life, live a better life, I want to be a better person. I want to achieve something in my Life, I want to be able to help others. I want to be someone.
I want a second chance and I want to be ready when the time comes.
yea... it was all like a moment of enlightment, complete with Hollywood movie backsound.
Too bad it only lasted a mere 10 minutes.
After the earthquake stopped, we went home and I was back at my comfortable lazy way of Life.
Unbelievable isn't it ?
So, after all that, I kept Slacking around, wasting time and What ?
Do I Wait till another Earthquake to hit me and be scared to death (literary) and wanna "wake up" and start doing something meaningful with my Life all over again ?
I actually wanted to start living my Life (to the fullest) last September 2008 when my grandmother passed away.
She didn't even get a chance to go to high school, but she's such an open minded person.
Her one advice that she keeps on repeating over and over again was this :
"When you study, study real hard, if you do, you'll be a succesful person and you'll be able to do all the things that you love in your life."
It doesn't sound like one of those deep meaningful advice we read in novels, it was just a simple honest advice she kept on repeating to us, her grandchildren.
I know it always meant a lot to me but reading it just doesn't capture the real meaning..... This may explains it more.
What my grandmother meant was :
"when you study - study hard"
Make the most out of your valuable time, you are given the best opportunity possible (that me and your mom didn't have), Learn as much as you can with all your heart and make something out of it.
Make us proud but do it for yourself.
Yup... that's exactly what she meant :)
About me ?
I've done all my studies, I've graduated with honors, but somehow I'm not out there living my dreams, when I see myself, someone with all the privileges in the world, who got educated abroad, who have such an easy comfortable life, but I have achieved nothing in my life. Nada
Right after that day, I started organizing my life, my daily activities.
But it wasn't good enough. It was a start, yes, but it wasn't consistent.
There are days where I keep on slacking and keep on saying to myself, "I'll start tomorrow"
What if there's no next time ?
What if it'd be all too late tomorrow ?

Wake up Now !!!
We have responsibilities in this world, to ourselves, to others and to God.
Yes there are limits to what we can do, No-one can do everything.
But, Have we done enough ?
Do you sleep at night knowing that you've given your best for the day ?
Imagine when we were younger, going to sleep at night after we've done all our homeworks / assignments for tomorrow.
We feel free, light and satisfied and we're able to sleep soundly, with a smile.
We've done all we can during the day, we've made every minute count, we're ready to face tomorrow and hand in our homeworks. We are basically ready for tomorrow.
Feels good doesn't it ?
Instead we put off things until tomorrow and we burden ourselves with guilt, and we ignored the guilt by watching TV, wasting time, etc.
We know this in our heart and we know that He's watching and He's been trying to wake us up but we keep on ignoring Him.
We always find excuse to procrastinate and to postpone.
Something always comes up, Convenient isn't it ?
With each and everyday, we are given another opportunity to better ourselves, but we fail to do so because we are too busy !!
We're always busy watching TV, busy indulging on too much food and drinks, busy clubbing, busy shopping, busy chasing "dreams" that aren't real, when we're supposed to be busy doing something meaningful.
We think just because no one's looking, we can do whatever we want.
Let's put it this way, If your boss was watching you work, you'd work hard and do your best.
Why ? Because he's watching and you'll get fired if you slack.
But what we have is a silent watcher, He cares for us and Let's us do whatever we please, but we ignored Him, we think we can get away this one more time and start fresh later/tomorrow.
You know what ?
Later never comes
Tomorrow will be another tomorrow.
and after 8 years, you'll still be making empty promises to be a better person tomorrow, just like me.
You have to start now !
I want to start now.
Our responsibilities is not just to our families, to our kids, but also to our Maker.
Have we done the right things ?
Have we made Him proud ?
Hey... Have we even made ourselves proud ?
Are we just sleeping in life ?
For most of us, we are asleep in our daily life, we're sleep walking, not awake.
and for those of use who are already "Awake", we haven't started to live our Lives.
It's the same day in and day out.
we wake up, we eat, we work, we meet people, we eat, we go home, we eat, we sleep.
What is our purpose ?
Have we made everyday meaningful ?
Have we live to the fullest ?
Are we ready to go ?
Take this for an example
There was an incident at a courthouse around a year ago, yes this is a true story
This lawyer walked with 2 other colleagues after attending court.
As they were walking, part of concrete holding a structure just fell on his head.
It just fell right on his head.
The building wasn't even under renovation.
and it wasn't a mafia case where he got murdered by the mob.
The concrete fell on his head and he died instantly.
The 2 other colleagues didn't get hurt at all.
Imagine if that happened to you. If life were to be taken away from you just like that ?
Don't you wish you had at least done something meaningful in your life.
Don't you wish you had a second chance ?
Well now is your second chance, Each and everyday is your second chance.
Always make today count and do it forever because you never know when it's time.
Always be prepared, Always be ready.
then you'll have no worries, you'll have no burden whatsoever.
Just picture it in your head, Feels good doesn't it ?
So... are you ready to die ?
No ?
Then use today as another opportunity to prepare yourself.
Start now. Right now, not in 5 minutes, not tomorrow, Start Now.
Prepare yourself, so when you do die, you're ready, you'll go with a smile.
You won't fear anything and you won't leave any burden and any responsibilities behind.
You're ready.
I know I want to always be ready.
I want to start now making everyday count, I want to start living a meaningful life.
What about you ?
I've had minor ones where the the big crystal lamp in our house would sway a few times, but it always lasted only a short while to be alarmed.
and I've never experienced earthquake in public places, usually it happened when I'm at home.
A few weeks back, I was at a supermarket with my mum and she went "I think my head is spinning, but ..... Do you feel that ?"
I was like "huh....what ? r u ok mum ?" and it hit me, it was an earthquake, so I grabbed her arm and we walked outside really fast, not quite running though.
Luckily it was a small supermarket instead of the ones in the basement/top floor of a mall, So there was no frantic running down the fire escape out of the building.
When we walked outside to our car, and the ground was still shaking, it was more of a sway than a shake really. Then everyone else got outside on the parking lot, basically just standing still, not knowing what to do, it kept on swaying and kinda made me feel like I was on a boat really.
The earthquake lasted for a long 5 minutes, well... maybe not 5 minutes, actually I dunno exactly how long it lasted.... it felt like 5 minutes tho. ;p

And as we waited for the earthquake to stop, I thought to myself.
What if this is it ?
What if there's no more tomorrow ?
What if the everything started to fall over our heads, the buildings, the neon signs, the electricity poles, and then the ground started opening up. okay... too much holywood scene there.
But What if I die right there ?
Am I ready to die ?
Have I done enough in this world ?
Have I made a difference in this world ? If not for others, at least Have I done something good for myself and my family ?
Have I learnt anything in Life ?
Can I leave peacefully knowing that I've done good ?
The answer to all of that is No.
I haven't achieved anything in my Life
I haven't made my parents proud
I'm not ready to die. period.
At that moment, I wanted to change my Life, live a better life, I want to be a better person. I want to achieve something in my Life, I want to be able to help others. I want to be someone.
I want a second chance and I want to be ready when the time comes.
yea... it was all like a moment of enlightment, complete with Hollywood movie backsound.
Too bad it only lasted a mere 10 minutes.
After the earthquake stopped, we went home and I was back at my comfortable lazy way of Life.
Unbelievable isn't it ?
So, after all that, I kept Slacking around, wasting time and What ?
Do I Wait till another Earthquake to hit me and be scared to death (literary) and wanna "wake up" and start doing something meaningful with my Life all over again ?
I actually wanted to start living my Life (to the fullest) last September 2008 when my grandmother passed away.
She didn't even get a chance to go to high school, but she's such an open minded person.
Her one advice that she keeps on repeating over and over again was this :
"When you study, study real hard, if you do, you'll be a succesful person and you'll be able to do all the things that you love in your life."
It doesn't sound like one of those deep meaningful advice we read in novels, it was just a simple honest advice she kept on repeating to us, her grandchildren.
I know it always meant a lot to me but reading it just doesn't capture the real meaning..... This may explains it more.
What my grandmother meant was :
"when you study - study hard"
Make the most out of your valuable time, you are given the best opportunity possible (that me and your mom didn't have), Learn as much as you can with all your heart and make something out of it.
Make us proud but do it for yourself.
Yup... that's exactly what she meant :)
About me ?
I've done all my studies, I've graduated with honors, but somehow I'm not out there living my dreams, when I see myself, someone with all the privileges in the world, who got educated abroad, who have such an easy comfortable life, but I have achieved nothing in my life. Nada
Right after that day, I started organizing my life, my daily activities.
But it wasn't good enough. It was a start, yes, but it wasn't consistent.
There are days where I keep on slacking and keep on saying to myself, "I'll start tomorrow"
What if there's no next time ?
What if it'd be all too late tomorrow ?

Wake up Now !!!
We have responsibilities in this world, to ourselves, to others and to God.
Yes there are limits to what we can do, No-one can do everything.
But, Have we done enough ?
Do you sleep at night knowing that you've given your best for the day ?
Imagine when we were younger, going to sleep at night after we've done all our homeworks / assignments for tomorrow.
We feel free, light and satisfied and we're able to sleep soundly, with a smile.
We've done all we can during the day, we've made every minute count, we're ready to face tomorrow and hand in our homeworks. We are basically ready for tomorrow.
Feels good doesn't it ?
Instead we put off things until tomorrow and we burden ourselves with guilt, and we ignored the guilt by watching TV, wasting time, etc.
We know this in our heart and we know that He's watching and He's been trying to wake us up but we keep on ignoring Him.
We always find excuse to procrastinate and to postpone.
Something always comes up, Convenient isn't it ?
With each and everyday, we are given another opportunity to better ourselves, but we fail to do so because we are too busy !!
We're always busy watching TV, busy indulging on too much food and drinks, busy clubbing, busy shopping, busy chasing "dreams" that aren't real, when we're supposed to be busy doing something meaningful.
We think just because no one's looking, we can do whatever we want.
Let's put it this way, If your boss was watching you work, you'd work hard and do your best.
Why ? Because he's watching and you'll get fired if you slack.
But what we have is a silent watcher, He cares for us and Let's us do whatever we please, but we ignored Him, we think we can get away this one more time and start fresh later/tomorrow.
You know what ?
Later never comes
Tomorrow will be another tomorrow.
and after 8 years, you'll still be making empty promises to be a better person tomorrow, just like me.
You have to start now !
I want to start now.
Our responsibilities is not just to our families, to our kids, but also to our Maker.
Have we done the right things ?
Have we made Him proud ?
Hey... Have we even made ourselves proud ?
Are we just sleeping in life ?
For most of us, we are asleep in our daily life, we're sleep walking, not awake.
and for those of use who are already "Awake", we haven't started to live our Lives.
It's the same day in and day out.
we wake up, we eat, we work, we meet people, we eat, we go home, we eat, we sleep.
What is our purpose ?
Have we made everyday meaningful ?
Have we live to the fullest ?
Are we ready to go ?
Take this for an example
There was an incident at a courthouse around a year ago, yes this is a true story
This lawyer walked with 2 other colleagues after attending court.
As they were walking, part of concrete holding a structure just fell on his head.
It just fell right on his head.
The building wasn't even under renovation.
and it wasn't a mafia case where he got murdered by the mob.
The concrete fell on his head and he died instantly.
The 2 other colleagues didn't get hurt at all.
Imagine if that happened to you. If life were to be taken away from you just like that ?
Don't you wish you had at least done something meaningful in your life.
Don't you wish you had a second chance ?
Well now is your second chance, Each and everyday is your second chance.
Always make today count and do it forever because you never know when it's time.
Always be prepared, Always be ready.
then you'll have no worries, you'll have no burden whatsoever.
Just picture it in your head, Feels good doesn't it ?
So... are you ready to die ?
No ?
Then use today as another opportunity to prepare yourself.
Start now. Right now, not in 5 minutes, not tomorrow, Start Now.
Prepare yourself, so when you do die, you're ready, you'll go with a smile.
You won't fear anything and you won't leave any burden and any responsibilities behind.
You're ready.
I know I want to always be ready.
I want to start now making everyday count, I want to start living a meaningful life.
What about you ?
Thursday, August 13, 2009
How to Replace the Grip on your Racket
Oh you don't need an instruction manual.
You don't need to see it on you tube.
You've seen enough tennis/squash instructor change it right in front of your eyes.
We're all smart people.
Just take off the old grip and just notice that the narrow end of the replacement grip goes first.
start at the bottom of the racket and just go around upwards.
It's that simple.
It may not be perfect at first, but you'll soon get the hang of it.
Get a cheap replacement grip if you're not confident.
yea so you can throw it out if you don't like how it turns out. ;p
What, you wanna be a 50 year old tennis player who don't know how to replace your own racket grip ?
Just give it a go :)
You don't need to see it on you tube.
You've seen enough tennis/squash instructor change it right in front of your eyes.
We're all smart people.
Just take off the old grip and just notice that the narrow end of the replacement grip goes first.
start at the bottom of the racket and just go around upwards.
It's that simple.
It may not be perfect at first, but you'll soon get the hang of it.
Get a cheap replacement grip if you're not confident.
yea so you can throw it out if you don't like how it turns out. ;p
What, you wanna be a 50 year old tennis player who don't know how to replace your own racket grip ?
Just give it a go :)
How to choose a Racket grip

Ok... I don't know anything about it.
But I do know which one not to get !!!
I got myself a fairly affordable replacement racket grip.
okay... a cheap one.
But it leaves traces of glitter on my hand !!!
I mean, the replacement grip wasn't even glittery nor shiny.
It's just not matte, but still rubbery and non slippery.
You can't really see glitter there, but there are a lot....
these are the ones visible on the camera.

okay... you can't really see it all that well
but it's actually all over my hand.... covered in tiny little glitter.
So don't choose a replacement grip that gives you glitter hand.
I mean.... why would the manufacturer add glitter on the grip ?
Just to attract customers ????
and then what ???
give glitter to our hands and when we wipe our faces, we'll have glitter face ?
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Organize your day by making a Daily Checklist.
Do you feel like you're not doing anything much day to day ?
It's like you're wasting time, you know you're supposed to be doing stuff, but you just don't.
I know I don't have much accoplished in 1 day.
There seems to be too much stuff to do in 1 day
But remember when we were still in school ?
there were so much to do in 1 day, but we did it all and still had time to go to the movies/mall, etc.
At school, everything scheduled and in just 1 day, We learnt :
- Maths, History, Biology, Foreign languages, Physical education / Sports, Art class, Geography, etc etc
then afterclass, some of us have Swimming lessons, Music lessons, Drama class, Taekwondo, Karate, etc
We absorbed all of that information in 1 day and we did it for years and years.
(not to mention all those homeworks)
So, I want to re-schedule my day so I can do most of the stuff in 1 day.
and yes... I lack self control, this is why I'm making the checklist.
I've made a "Daily List of things to do" and stick it to the wall in my room, but I seem to not see it. So I'm doing an actual Checklist of Daily-To-Do-Things.
But they don't all have to be done in 1 day, but they're there to let me know that there are other important things to do and so I won't spend 3 hours watching useless TV.

The checklist can consist of just about anything.
Mine has a lot of stuff, from Stretching, Sport, Learning new stuff, Blogging, Eating right, Doing Sketches/Paint, Practice Music, even Saying my prayers, anything at all.
I even added "Not so Healthy Food" to the list, so I know how am I doing in the junk food department.
If you don't want people to know what checklist you're doing, then make up words/codes so only you can understand your checklist.
I then use color markers to color in the things that I've done.
You can just use a pen and check/tick the box, but I kinda wanna do it in colors ;p
Green is good - daily
Blue is good - not necessarily daily
Pink is allowed rarely
Red is not Good
So....I've only done this for 5 days....
Let's see how it goes.
I'd like to see almost all greens and lots of blues ;)
Update :

After almost a month....
You can see here that the top rows are almost all red
that's my sleeping schedule...
It means I have to sleep rite !! sleep early and wake up early !!!
What do I benefit from having this checklist so far ?
You know how there are times when you're like sitting down and not knowing what to do and end up watching TV or eating ?
Well... this checklist helps keep you in track, it'll help you do the things that you're supposed to do !!!
And Even if you haven't done most of the stuff there, everytime you look at it, you're reminded to better yourself , to use your time wisely, to fill your days with important things.
and I hope.... after a while, I'll get used to doing everything in my checklist so I don't need to use it anymore.
*for now, ignore the reds, i repeat, ignore the reds* ;p
I'm working on it. ;)
and you know what ?
Don't spend too much time deciding what to put on the checklist or which activity to do first, stop staring at the checklist for too long and Just Do it Right Now !!
seriously, Let's Start Right Now :)
It's like you're wasting time, you know you're supposed to be doing stuff, but you just don't.
I know I don't have much accoplished in 1 day.
There seems to be too much stuff to do in 1 day
But remember when we were still in school ?
there were so much to do in 1 day, but we did it all and still had time to go to the movies/mall, etc.
At school, everything scheduled and in just 1 day, We learnt :
- Maths, History, Biology, Foreign languages, Physical education / Sports, Art class, Geography, etc etc
then afterclass, some of us have Swimming lessons, Music lessons, Drama class, Taekwondo, Karate, etc
We absorbed all of that information in 1 day and we did it for years and years.
(not to mention all those homeworks)
So, I want to re-schedule my day so I can do most of the stuff in 1 day.
and yes... I lack self control, this is why I'm making the checklist.
I've made a "Daily List of things to do" and stick it to the wall in my room, but I seem to not see it. So I'm doing an actual Checklist of Daily-To-Do-Things.
But they don't all have to be done in 1 day, but they're there to let me know that there are other important things to do and so I won't spend 3 hours watching useless TV.

The checklist can consist of just about anything.
Mine has a lot of stuff, from Stretching, Sport, Learning new stuff, Blogging, Eating right, Doing Sketches/Paint, Practice Music, even Saying my prayers, anything at all.
I even added "Not so Healthy Food" to the list, so I know how am I doing in the junk food department.
If you don't want people to know what checklist you're doing, then make up words/codes so only you can understand your checklist.
I then use color markers to color in the things that I've done.
You can just use a pen and check/tick the box, but I kinda wanna do it in colors ;p
Green is good - daily
Blue is good - not necessarily daily
Pink is allowed rarely
Red is not Good
So....I've only done this for 5 days....
Let's see how it goes.
I'd like to see almost all greens and lots of blues ;)
Update :

After almost a month....
You can see here that the top rows are almost all red
that's my sleeping schedule...
It means I have to sleep rite !! sleep early and wake up early !!!
What do I benefit from having this checklist so far ?
You know how there are times when you're like sitting down and not knowing what to do and end up watching TV or eating ?
Well... this checklist helps keep you in track, it'll help you do the things that you're supposed to do !!!
And Even if you haven't done most of the stuff there, everytime you look at it, you're reminded to better yourself , to use your time wisely, to fill your days with important things.
and I hope.... after a while, I'll get used to doing everything in my checklist so I don't need to use it anymore.
*for now, ignore the reds, i repeat, ignore the reds* ;p
I'm working on it. ;)
and you know what ?
Don't spend too much time deciding what to put on the checklist or which activity to do first, stop staring at the checklist for too long and Just Do it Right Now !!
seriously, Let's Start Right Now :)
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Things I hate on TV
I just hate it when they preview scary stuff on TV.
yupp... scary ghost stuff !!!
huhuhu.... I get scared at night, especially when no one else is at home.
and especially when I'm watching an action flick and it goes to commercial
and all of the sudden, there's this loud scream or unidentified noises.
OOooaaaahhhhhh so scarrryyyyyyy...........
haeruiharuh I know I knoww.... but I can't help it.
I do get scared.
Even Ghost whisperer's ad scares me.
Also Supernatural.
but I love watching scary horror flicks.
all of em....
but I just get scared afterwards, so lately I haven't seen much horror stuff hohohoho....
yupp... scary ghost stuff !!!
huhuhu.... I get scared at night, especially when no one else is at home.
and especially when I'm watching an action flick and it goes to commercial
and all of the sudden, there's this loud scream or unidentified noises.
OOooaaaahhhhhh so scarrryyyyyyy...........
haeruiharuh I know I knoww.... but I can't help it.
I do get scared.
Even Ghost whisperer's ad scares me.
Also Supernatural.
but I love watching scary horror flicks.
all of em....
but I just get scared afterwards, so lately I haven't seen much horror stuff hohohoho....
Saturday, July 11, 2009
My Favorite Books - Guide
Books are one of my favorite things in the world.
I don't buy every new books that are marked "best seller" or "new arrival"
But Sometimes , some books are just so good, I just have to have them.
Sometimes the books are published way back then, yes old books are sometimes the best.
Sometimes I find books on sale of only 3 dollars !!
Sometimes they just got published and I got attracted by the pretty cover and they turn out to be great books.
Sometimes the cover is really "ugly" and "boring" but the book turned out to be fun.
But one thing's for sure, They're filled with so much useful and amazingly true information
Even after reading it months ago, you can always go back to it and find more information that you didn't notice before.
These are the books that has motivated me, touched me, inspired me, moved me and more.
They've given me quite a lot of useful information and inspirations and ideas.
and I just wanna share them with you :)
There might also be some other useful stuff in the store
I'll add more stuff that I find useful for me at the store, so you can benefit from it too :)
Enjoy !
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Why do we avoid having our photo taken ?
So.... Just like most of us.
I have bad hair day, bad skin day, ugly face day.
And day by day.... I noticed if I don't have make up on, I refuse to take a photo.
If I'm only at home wearing super comfy baggy clothes, I refuse to take a photo.
If it's windy, I refuse to take a photo coz the wind messes up my hair.
and that's ridiculous !!!
I mean....
I was that kid who loves getting her pic taken.
I was that kid who always smile in every photo.
and what changed ?
Have I suddenly gotten ugly ?
Have I suddenly gotten so repulsed of how I look ?
Come on !!
and it's not just me....
As a kid, I've noticed older people are not so keen on being photographed.
I've notice my uncles not really interested when I tried to snap their pics.
my aunties, my dad, my parents' friends, etc etc.
Now I think I know why.... kinda
As people get older,
probably starting when we're teenagers up onwards.
We start not to like what they see in front of the mirror.
(braces, pimples, greasy hair, oily face, lines on your face, thinning hair, big nose, double chin, etc etc)
we feel a bit disappointed that we are not the perfect image.
we compare ourselves with that pretty face in the magazines and TV.
hey... we even compare ourselves to our friend that always seems to look perfect at every pic.
but that's not a reason to not like what we look like.
You are still you.
That person in the mirror is still you.
All that imperfection is what makes you unique and beautiful.
Yeah you can put on a make up to look fresh and pretty.
Yeah you can cover up that pimple.
Yeah you can wear a hat to cover your bald spot.
But.... you are still you.
and you need to love however you look like.
I've seen photos of myself when I was fat
I've seen photos of me when I thought I looked ugly
Ive seen photos of me when I'm screaming
Back then, I thought I looked hideous in those photos.
But Now... looking back at those photos.
I didn't look as bad as I thought I did.
I looked pretty
but most importantly I looked happy.
So.... there's no more reason for me to avoid being photographed now
and I've decided to do My Project 365.
Take a photo of yourself everyday for 365 days.
I've decided to take a photo of me everyday no matter how I look like.
But right before every photo, I'd say to myself "I look my best today" and I know I do :)
Just by saying that I'm changing my own perception about myself, I feel better about myself.
It gives me a kick-start of a more radiant me.
then I give a big smile and take my pic. :D
I'm not going to post my photos, but I'd imagine how fun it'd be to browse through those pics.
Even when I don't have time to take my photo because I'm in a hurry.
(I need to work on waking up early and not being late all the time ;p haha)
I'd look at myself in the mirror and smile and know that I look good.
that alone boost my confidence and self esteem.
just by doing that makes me appreciate my beautiful self
and I'm ready to start the day with a positive attitude :)
I have bad hair day, bad skin day, ugly face day.
And day by day.... I noticed if I don't have make up on, I refuse to take a photo.
If I'm only at home wearing super comfy baggy clothes, I refuse to take a photo.
If it's windy, I refuse to take a photo coz the wind messes up my hair.
and that's ridiculous !!!
I mean....
I was that kid who loves getting her pic taken.
I was that kid who always smile in every photo.
and what changed ?
Have I suddenly gotten ugly ?
Have I suddenly gotten so repulsed of how I look ?
Come on !!
and it's not just me....
As a kid, I've noticed older people are not so keen on being photographed.
I've notice my uncles not really interested when I tried to snap their pics.
my aunties, my dad, my parents' friends, etc etc.
Now I think I know why.... kinda
As people get older,
probably starting when we're teenagers up onwards.
We start not to like what they see in front of the mirror.
(braces, pimples, greasy hair, oily face, lines on your face, thinning hair, big nose, double chin, etc etc)
we feel a bit disappointed that we are not the perfect image.
we compare ourselves with that pretty face in the magazines and TV.
hey... we even compare ourselves to our friend that always seems to look perfect at every pic.
but that's not a reason to not like what we look like.
You are still you.
That person in the mirror is still you.
All that imperfection is what makes you unique and beautiful.
Yeah you can put on a make up to look fresh and pretty.
Yeah you can cover up that pimple.
Yeah you can wear a hat to cover your bald spot.
But.... you are still you.
and you need to love however you look like.
I've seen photos of myself when I was fat
I've seen photos of me when I thought I looked ugly
Ive seen photos of me when I'm screaming
Back then, I thought I looked hideous in those photos.
But Now... looking back at those photos.
I didn't look as bad as I thought I did.
I looked pretty
but most importantly I looked happy.
So.... there's no more reason for me to avoid being photographed now
and I've decided to do My Project 365.
Take a photo of yourself everyday for 365 days.
I've decided to take a photo of me everyday no matter how I look like.
But right before every photo, I'd say to myself "I look my best today" and I know I do :)
Just by saying that I'm changing my own perception about myself, I feel better about myself.
It gives me a kick-start of a more radiant me.
then I give a big smile and take my pic. :D
I'm not going to post my photos, but I'd imagine how fun it'd be to browse through those pics.
Even when I don't have time to take my photo because I'm in a hurry.
(I need to work on waking up early and not being late all the time ;p haha)
I'd look at myself in the mirror and smile and know that I look good.
that alone boost my confidence and self esteem.
just by doing that makes me appreciate my beautiful self
and I'm ready to start the day with a positive attitude :)
How to blog effectively
Here's How
1. Don't spend too much time thinking about your post.
don't re-read it 20 times and re-write it 50 times.
if you do, you get bored, then your eyes get tired, you get sleepy and you get lazy bla bla bla.
Just focus, then write your post and upload.
2. Don't spend too much time websurfing
and reading other people's blogs and envying their success.
Focus on your own
and if you have an extra time, you're free to websurf.
3. Always update your blog daily rather than weekly.
Don't try to blog about everything in 1 day.
Don't try to post as much stuff in 1 day.
It's better to do 1 post each day rather than doing 7 posts every Monday.
1 post everyday will make your blog fresh everyday, your visitors will always have something new to read, even though it's only 1 post. (If you can manage to write more, it's even better)
Just imagine yourself going to someone else's blog that's really good, but everytime you come back there, there's no new post.
Day 1, no new post,
Day 2, no new post,
Day 3, no new post.
Day 4, you don't go to that blog because you think there won't be any new post.
Day 8, you forgot about that blog.
So... it's better to do 1 post a day than 7 posts every Monday.
4. Schedule your blogging time
Why ?
Because you need to have a life !!!
Get out there, Go exercise, Go hang out with friends, etc.
So... Schedule !!
Say 2 hours of effective blogging (no websurfing) per day.
Set it up according to you.
5. Always have a little notebook / moleskin with you at all times.
So everytime you have an idea, write it down.
This is very useful when you have no idea what to write.
You'll have all this list of stuff to write and blog about.
1. Don't spend too much time thinking about your post.
don't re-read it 20 times and re-write it 50 times.
if you do, you get bored, then your eyes get tired, you get sleepy and you get lazy bla bla bla.
Just focus, then write your post and upload.
2. Don't spend too much time websurfing
and reading other people's blogs and envying their success.
Focus on your own
and if you have an extra time, you're free to websurf.
3. Always update your blog daily rather than weekly.
Don't try to blog about everything in 1 day.
Don't try to post as much stuff in 1 day.
It's better to do 1 post each day rather than doing 7 posts every Monday.
1 post everyday will make your blog fresh everyday, your visitors will always have something new to read, even though it's only 1 post. (If you can manage to write more, it's even better)
Just imagine yourself going to someone else's blog that's really good, but everytime you come back there, there's no new post.
Day 1, no new post,
Day 2, no new post,
Day 3, no new post.
Day 4, you don't go to that blog because you think there won't be any new post.
Day 8, you forgot about that blog.
So... it's better to do 1 post a day than 7 posts every Monday.
4. Schedule your blogging time
Why ?
Because you need to have a life !!!
Get out there, Go exercise, Go hang out with friends, etc.
So... Schedule !!
Say 2 hours of effective blogging (no websurfing) per day.
Set it up according to you.
5. Always have a little notebook / moleskin with you at all times.
So everytime you have an idea, write it down.
This is very useful when you have no idea what to write.
You'll have all this list of stuff to write and blog about.
How much time do you spend blogging ?
Ohh... Let see....
A lott....
sometimes I feel like I have no time to go out.
I feel like I'm in front of the computer too much.
But, Sometimes it's not the blogging
it's more about the websurfing :
- reading other people's blogs,
- reading gossip blogs,
- youtubing,
- checking emails,
- facebooking
- etc
So... since I have more than 1 blogs
maintaining all my blogs + all the websurfing takes a lot of my time.
and writing just one post takes a while for me.
because I read and re-read and then re-write and re-read and re-write again.
plus all the websurfing....
It takes lots of hours in front of the computer
It is so unproductive, I might add.
So yeah... I spend a lot of time "blogging"
So... I think I need to have an effective system.
I want to have good blogs with loyal visitors
and not spend way too much time on the blogs.
Hey, we all need to have a system.
So How to blog effectively ? next
A lott....
sometimes I feel like I have no time to go out.
I feel like I'm in front of the computer too much.
But, Sometimes it's not the blogging
it's more about the websurfing :
- reading other people's blogs,
- reading gossip blogs,
- youtubing,
- checking emails,
- facebooking
- etc
So... since I have more than 1 blogs
maintaining all my blogs + all the websurfing takes a lot of my time.
and writing just one post takes a while for me.
because I read and re-read and then re-write and re-read and re-write again.
plus all the websurfing....
It takes lots of hours in front of the computer
It is so unproductive, I might add.
So yeah... I spend a lot of time "blogging"
So... I think I need to have an effective system.
I want to have good blogs with loyal visitors
and not spend way too much time on the blogs.
Hey, we all need to have a system.
So How to blog effectively ? next
Breakaway by Kelly Clarkson
We should all breakaway
We should stop being scared
We should all spread our wings and fly
We all have the ability to do so :)
Breakaway lyrics
by Kelly Clarkson
Grew up in a small town
And when the rain would fall down
I'd just stare out my window
Dreaming of what could be
And if I'd end up happy
I would pray
Trying hard to reach out
But when I tried to speak out
Felt like no one could hear me
Wanted to belong here
But something felt so wrong here
So I'd pray
I could break away
I'll spread my wings and I'll learn how to fly.
I'll do what it takes till I touch the sky.
Make a wish, take a chance,
Make a change, and break away.
Out of the darkness and into the sun.
But I won't forget all the ones that I love.
I'll take a risk, take a chance,
Make a change, and break away
Wanna feel the warm breeze
Sleep under a palm tree
Feel the rush of the ocean
Get onboard a fast train
Travel on a jetplane
Far away
And break away
Buildings with a hundred floors
Swinging with revolving doors
Maybe I don’t know where they’ll take me
Gotta keep movin on movin on
Fly away
Break away
We should stop being scared
We should all spread our wings and fly
We all have the ability to do so :)
Breakaway lyrics
by Kelly Clarkson
Grew up in a small town
And when the rain would fall down
I'd just stare out my window
Dreaming of what could be
And if I'd end up happy
I would pray
Trying hard to reach out
But when I tried to speak out
Felt like no one could hear me
Wanted to belong here
But something felt so wrong here
So I'd pray
I could break away
I'll spread my wings and I'll learn how to fly.
I'll do what it takes till I touch the sky.
Make a wish, take a chance,
Make a change, and break away.
Out of the darkness and into the sun.
But I won't forget all the ones that I love.
I'll take a risk, take a chance,
Make a change, and break away
Wanna feel the warm breeze
Sleep under a palm tree
Feel the rush of the ocean
Get onboard a fast train
Travel on a jetplane
Far away
And break away
Buildings with a hundred floors
Swinging with revolving doors
Maybe I don’t know where they’ll take me
Gotta keep movin on movin on
Fly away
Break away
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
What happens when you stay up late ?
So what happens when you force yourself to stay up late ?
Sometimes when I'm in front of the computer, and I'm sleepy, eyes really tired, but I still want to work, so I force myself to not sleep and keep on working.
I feel kinda weird....... it's like my body kinda tingles, not in a good way, but in all the wrong way.
and it's just not a good feeling, but a subtle one, so subtle sometimes I can just ignore it.
I get a slight headache, like the one you have when you need sleep.
So people !!! It's not a good idea to force yourself to stay awake !!!
Go to bed, Sleep, Rest !!!!!
and I was reading a magazine the other day.
There was an article about people who stay up late might get diabetes.
Some scientists tested some healthy people where they are told to sleep and then there would be loud sounds everytime those people started to fall asleep, so they keep on waking up, and the scientists found that those people can't produce insulin normally under this condition.
Or something like that.
So in the long term, they may even develop diabetes.
So again !!!!!!!!!
Go to bed, Sleep, Rest !!!!!
now !!!!!
ciao :)
Sometimes when I'm in front of the computer, and I'm sleepy, eyes really tired, but I still want to work, so I force myself to not sleep and keep on working.
I feel kinda weird....... it's like my body kinda tingles, not in a good way, but in all the wrong way.
and it's just not a good feeling, but a subtle one, so subtle sometimes I can just ignore it.
I get a slight headache, like the one you have when you need sleep.
So people !!! It's not a good idea to force yourself to stay awake !!!
Go to bed, Sleep, Rest !!!!!
and I was reading a magazine the other day.
There was an article about people who stay up late might get diabetes.
Some scientists tested some healthy people where they are told to sleep and then there would be loud sounds everytime those people started to fall asleep, so they keep on waking up, and the scientists found that those people can't produce insulin normally under this condition.
Or something like that.
So in the long term, they may even develop diabetes.
So again !!!!!!!!!
Go to bed, Sleep, Rest !!!!!
now !!!!!
ciao :)
My dog snores !
She doesn't snore often, but .....How cute ! Buahahahaha.....
I was writing this and my dog was sleeping on a rug next to me and she snored.
You know what's even cuter ?
My puppy who sometimes has hiccups, she doesn't anymore now.
It's probably one of the cutest sound in the world.
I was writing this and my dog was sleeping on a rug next to me and she snored.
You know what's even cuter ?
My puppy who sometimes has hiccups, she doesn't anymore now.
It's probably one of the cutest sound in the world.
Always Think Positive !
So...... the story goes
I need a warranty sticker that a certain Tech guy forgot to stuck back after upgrading my notebook computer.
Because it was purely his fault, so Tech guy promised to stop by at my house the next day to bring me the sticker and asked me to text/sms him my address.
How nice, I thought to myself.
I texted him anyway although I didn't think he'd actually come because the service center was kinda far from my house.
So I waited for him the next day.... and He didn't come !!
it annoyed me quite a bit.......he obviously could've called me to let me know if he wasn't coming.
So I called him and before I even said anything, he told me that he had lost the sms that contained my address.
Yes mister liar, I just bought the computer 2 days ago, so you have my phone number at your database, you could actually call me.
So he asked me to resend him my address.
I said no, I'm coming tomorrow , because I assumed that he'd only offering to stop by without any intention to come anyway and besides there was still something wrong with my computer so I had to go to the service center anyway.
But...... I was so mad at him because he lied to me, or I assumed that he lied.
Right now, when I'm writing this, this kind of situation doesn't bother me at all, but at that time I was so annoyed at him that he offered to help but totally lied about it and he only offered to help basically just to shut me up so I'd hang up the phone.
But, really.... is Tech guy to blame in this whole situation ?
Is it his fault that I'm feeling mad and annoyed ?
Why do I have to think such negative thoughts ?
I assumed that he was a liar, that he never had any intention to help me out in the first place.
What if the reality is, he really did lose my sms/text message by accident, what if he accidently pressed the delete button. I mean, I've accidentaly deleted messages before.
or What if he actually had something really important to do and he couldn't come so he told me a "white" lie about losing my text message.
What if he actually lied to my face ?
I would never know the real truth.
But it doesn't matter whether or not he lied or told the truth.
If, from the beginning, I didn't have any negative thoughts towards him, I wouldn't have felt lied to or annoyed, I wouldn't be mad at him, I wouldn't start silently calling him names and cursing. ;p
If, from the beginning, I thought positively, I'd stay calm and unannoyed and I wouldn't silently accused him of lying.
So it doesn't matter whether or not people lie to you.
Having negative thoughts about them doesn't make them tell you the truth either, having negative thoughts only stresses you out and makes you think more of the bad stuff, that they're lying to you, etc etc.
On the other hand, having positive thoughts calms you down and it makes you at peace and it gives you the ability to believe in the goodness of others.
In the end, you'll never know what goes on inside a person's head and negative thoughts only makes you spend miserable hours thinking about their bad points.
The important point is YOU.
Having negative thoughts makes you miserable !!
Having positive thoughts calms you down and makes you at peace.
So now you know why it's important to always think positive ?
Having positive thoughts gives me a nice feeling in my heart (and it's making me smile right now) and it's that simple :)
I need a warranty sticker that a certain Tech guy forgot to stuck back after upgrading my notebook computer.
Because it was purely his fault, so Tech guy promised to stop by at my house the next day to bring me the sticker and asked me to text/sms him my address.
How nice, I thought to myself.
I texted him anyway although I didn't think he'd actually come because the service center was kinda far from my house.
So I waited for him the next day.... and He didn't come !!
it annoyed me quite a bit.......he obviously could've called me to let me know if he wasn't coming.
So I called him and before I even said anything, he told me that he had lost the sms that contained my address.
Yes mister liar, I just bought the computer 2 days ago, so you have my phone number at your database, you could actually call me.
So he asked me to resend him my address.
I said no, I'm coming tomorrow , because I assumed that he'd only offering to stop by without any intention to come anyway and besides there was still something wrong with my computer so I had to go to the service center anyway.
But...... I was so mad at him because he lied to me, or I assumed that he lied.
Right now, when I'm writing this, this kind of situation doesn't bother me at all, but at that time I was so annoyed at him that he offered to help but totally lied about it and he only offered to help basically just to shut me up so I'd hang up the phone.
But, really.... is Tech guy to blame in this whole situation ?
Is it his fault that I'm feeling mad and annoyed ?
Why do I have to think such negative thoughts ?
I assumed that he was a liar, that he never had any intention to help me out in the first place.
What if the reality is, he really did lose my sms/text message by accident, what if he accidently pressed the delete button. I mean, I've accidentaly deleted messages before.
or What if he actually had something really important to do and he couldn't come so he told me a "white" lie about losing my text message.
What if he actually lied to my face ?
I would never know the real truth.
But it doesn't matter whether or not he lied or told the truth.
If, from the beginning, I didn't have any negative thoughts towards him, I wouldn't have felt lied to or annoyed, I wouldn't be mad at him, I wouldn't start silently calling him names and cursing. ;p
If, from the beginning, I thought positively, I'd stay calm and unannoyed and I wouldn't silently accused him of lying.
So it doesn't matter whether or not people lie to you.
Having negative thoughts about them doesn't make them tell you the truth either, having negative thoughts only stresses you out and makes you think more of the bad stuff, that they're lying to you, etc etc.
On the other hand, having positive thoughts calms you down and it makes you at peace and it gives you the ability to believe in the goodness of others.
In the end, you'll never know what goes on inside a person's head and negative thoughts only makes you spend miserable hours thinking about their bad points.
The important point is YOU.
Having negative thoughts makes you miserable !!
Having positive thoughts calms you down and makes you at peace.
So now you know why it's important to always think positive ?
Having positive thoughts gives me a nice feeling in my heart (and it's making me smile right now) and it's that simple :)
I sometimes like handwriting
Yup... I don't know why, it doesn't happen often, but from time to time, I totally enjoy writing down stuff using a pen. I don't have the best handwriting, but it's kinda fun seeing letters becomes words becomes phrases becomes sentences and how the pen glides on the paper.
I kinda like my handwriting, although in general I prefer typing on the keyboard, it's faster and it's saved on to my computer.
I don't have my laptop with me all the time, so I keep a small booklet with me always, so everytime I got an idea to write about something, the booklet is always there.
So when I was writing this, I didn't have anything to do and I was just writing this on the booklet and it was fun and I totally enjoyed each continous stroke of the pen , it was like flowing and I wanted to write more and more.
You know when you handwrite something, you are more aware of the word indications, such as the accents, the apostrophe / punctuation mark, etc. So if you're learning a foreign language, it's best to handwrite, it'll make you remember more.
btw, Studying European languages, French, Italian, German, Portuguese, Spanish, they all have a lot of rules in the grammar department, plus the conjugations.
For me it's like learning mathematics all over again ;p
But fun though, I love learning languages.
I kinda like my handwriting, although in general I prefer typing on the keyboard, it's faster and it's saved on to my computer.
I don't have my laptop with me all the time, so I keep a small booklet with me always, so everytime I got an idea to write about something, the booklet is always there.
So when I was writing this, I didn't have anything to do and I was just writing this on the booklet and it was fun and I totally enjoyed each continous stroke of the pen , it was like flowing and I wanted to write more and more.
You know when you handwrite something, you are more aware of the word indications, such as the accents, the apostrophe / punctuation mark, etc. So if you're learning a foreign language, it's best to handwrite, it'll make you remember more.
btw, Studying European languages, French, Italian, German, Portuguese, Spanish, they all have a lot of rules in the grammar department, plus the conjugations.
For me it's like learning mathematics all over again ;p
But fun though, I love learning languages.
Just write !
You know how sometimes you want to write something, but you're scared to make a mistake or you might write badly ?
Why is that ?
It's like wanting to learn to paint, but you're afraid to ruin the painting. You haven't even started yet.
With writing, it's even simpler.
Just start writing.
Write about anything, whenever.
You only need a computer.
What ? you don't have a computer ?
Then get a piece of paper, a scrap paper even, then use a pen/pencil and just write.
It's that simple.
Write down your ideas, your thoughts.
You can read it afterwards, you can even throw it out.
Just write when you feel like it, don't hesitate because you're afraid of mistakes/writing badly.
Just write.
Why is that ?
It's like wanting to learn to paint, but you're afraid to ruin the painting. You haven't even started yet.
With writing, it's even simpler.
Just start writing.
Write about anything, whenever.
You only need a computer.
What ? you don't have a computer ?
Then get a piece of paper, a scrap paper even, then use a pen/pencil and just write.
It's that simple.
Write down your ideas, your thoughts.
You can read it afterwards, you can even throw it out.
Just write when you feel like it, don't hesitate because you're afraid of mistakes/writing badly.
Just write.
Focus on the positive
Yes there are a lot of chaos in this world right now,
a lot of bad people, a lot of bad situations.
It seems to only be getting worse.
But all the negativity can't exist without all the positivity.
It's like yin and yang.
So yes there are bad people out there, but that is also a sign that that are still good people out there.
People with sincere heart.
So don't be alarmed by all the negativity in the world.
There are still good people out there.
Even bad people still have hearts, they're just hidden so deep inside.
Focus on the positive, Focus on the goodness in people.
a lot of bad people, a lot of bad situations.
It seems to only be getting worse.
But all the negativity can't exist without all the positivity.
It's like yin and yang.
So yes there are bad people out there, but that is also a sign that that are still good people out there.
People with sincere heart.
So don't be alarmed by all the negativity in the world.
There are still good people out there.
Even bad people still have hearts, they're just hidden so deep inside.
Focus on the positive, Focus on the goodness in people.
Learn to see the goodness in people
So your dad is annoying, you don't get along, he snores and he embarasses you.
But he's given everything for you, he's paid for everything that you have and you know he'll give up his life for you.
So instead of being annoyed everytime he's around, feeling embarassed by his silly remarks, and thinking that you can't stand him anymore. Focus on the good, focus on his love for you , focus on what he's done for you, focus on having a complete family and I promise you, you'd be so much happier, you'll feel blessed for such a wonderful dad. Focus on the good and your Life would be so much more beautiful.
It's the same for whatever situations in you life.
Annoying office lady, Obnoxious receptionist, Ungrateful friends.
If you look close enough and focus on the good,
they are merely office lady, receptionist and friends.
Try it, Focus on the good.
Always See the Goodness in people, in everything, in whatever situation.
Try, Learn how to, Start now.
Focus on the good and your Life would be so much more beautiful.
But he's given everything for you, he's paid for everything that you have and you know he'll give up his life for you.
So instead of being annoyed everytime he's around, feeling embarassed by his silly remarks, and thinking that you can't stand him anymore. Focus on the good, focus on his love for you , focus on what he's done for you, focus on having a complete family and I promise you, you'd be so much happier, you'll feel blessed for such a wonderful dad. Focus on the good and your Life would be so much more beautiful.
It's the same for whatever situations in you life.
Annoying office lady, Obnoxious receptionist, Ungrateful friends.
If you look close enough and focus on the good,
they are merely office lady, receptionist and friends.
Try it, Focus on the good.
Always See the Goodness in people, in everything, in whatever situation.
Try, Learn how to, Start now.
Focus on the good and your Life would be so much more beautiful.
How do you control anger ?
You just ignore it and you choose to be happy.
When people are rude or I find that they're offensive bla bla bla I get annoyed and angry.
But when I'm calm and happy, it's easy to understand that there may be reasons that cause people to become rude and it doesn't bother me that much. also when I'm busy with other interesting stuff.
Note Keyword : Calm and Happy and Busy with interesting stuff.
I even still get angry at stuff that's happened to me at the past, it was like 3 years ago.
It's crazy how I'm still holding on to that unhappy angry feeling right ?
Here's how it went :
I asked my friend to buy me a CD, I wrote the singer & album name on a piece of paper and gave it to my friend.
So he bought me the CD, but it was a different album, so since the CD shop was near my friend's office, I asked him to exchange it for me.
So he did, and got me another CD, but it was still the wrong one.
(My friend didn't check the CD, he's one of those people who asks for something and pays without checking the thing, but a good friend though ;p)
Anyway, I was so annoyed, so I called the shop and told the guy that it was the wrong CD
so he told me to just bring the CD back and exchange it with another one.
then I asked him, "Do you even have the CD that I wanted?"
then he said "No, but we have other stuff"
Unbelievable, right ??!!! So this guy was just trying to sell any CD to me.
So I asked him to just refund my money and he said "It's only 15$ anyway, what's the big deal?"
at that point I knew that I couldn't talk to him anymore and he's not going to refund my money and whatever I say is not going to make things better so I just hung up.
End of story, but up till now I couldn't let it go.
When I'm reminded of that story, I get angry and annoyed and I just can't understand why someone would behave like that.
So I know I have to let go, forget and forgive and let go.
Letting go is so simple, but I find it so hard to do.
Why ? because I don't want to let go, because if I hold on to that angry feeling, I know that I'm a better person than that CD guy, that I'm the victim, that I'm innocent, I think that's why I hold on to that.
But let see,
I know that when I'm calm and happy and busy with projects/works that I'm excited about, that little annoying story doesn't really bother me.
And I also know that if I get angry, My health is also at risk, I'm ruining my own health, inside and out. So it all depends on myself how to react in similar situations.
People are not going to stop being rude, there always will be annoying people.
So I have a choice, and I want to make that effort.
I will ignore it
I will forgive.
I will forget about it.
I will let go.
I choose to be calm happy.
and on top of that, I'll always get myself involved in an super interesting project so I'm always focused on exciting stuff and no time for other unecessary things.
I want to control myself, I want to be happy no matter what the situation is.
What about you ?
When people are rude or I find that they're offensive bla bla bla I get annoyed and angry.
But when I'm calm and happy, it's easy to understand that there may be reasons that cause people to become rude and it doesn't bother me that much. also when I'm busy with other interesting stuff.
Note Keyword : Calm and Happy and Busy with interesting stuff.
I even still get angry at stuff that's happened to me at the past, it was like 3 years ago.
It's crazy how I'm still holding on to that unhappy angry feeling right ?
Here's how it went :
I asked my friend to buy me a CD, I wrote the singer & album name on a piece of paper and gave it to my friend.
So he bought me the CD, but it was a different album, so since the CD shop was near my friend's office, I asked him to exchange it for me.
So he did, and got me another CD, but it was still the wrong one.
(My friend didn't check the CD, he's one of those people who asks for something and pays without checking the thing, but a good friend though ;p)
Anyway, I was so annoyed, so I called the shop and told the guy that it was the wrong CD
so he told me to just bring the CD back and exchange it with another one.
then I asked him, "Do you even have the CD that I wanted?"
then he said "No, but we have other stuff"
Unbelievable, right ??!!! So this guy was just trying to sell any CD to me.
So I asked him to just refund my money and he said "It's only 15$ anyway, what's the big deal?"
at that point I knew that I couldn't talk to him anymore and he's not going to refund my money and whatever I say is not going to make things better so I just hung up.
End of story, but up till now I couldn't let it go.
When I'm reminded of that story, I get angry and annoyed and I just can't understand why someone would behave like that.
So I know I have to let go, forget and forgive and let go.
Letting go is so simple, but I find it so hard to do.
Why ? because I don't want to let go, because if I hold on to that angry feeling, I know that I'm a better person than that CD guy, that I'm the victim, that I'm innocent, I think that's why I hold on to that.
But let see,
I know that when I'm calm and happy and busy with projects/works that I'm excited about, that little annoying story doesn't really bother me.
And I also know that if I get angry, My health is also at risk, I'm ruining my own health, inside and out. So it all depends on myself how to react in similar situations.
People are not going to stop being rude, there always will be annoying people.
So I have a choice, and I want to make that effort.
I will ignore it
I will forgive.
I will forget about it.
I will let go.
I choose to be calm happy.
and on top of that, I'll always get myself involved in an super interesting project so I'm always focused on exciting stuff and no time for other unecessary things.
I want to control myself, I want to be happy no matter what the situation is.
What about you ?
Worry worry worry
We all feel worried from time to time, and for most of us, we can't control our feeling worried.
So How do you control it ? How do you stop worrying ?
I myself worry too much, I think.
I worry on the littlest things.
One time, I was in Milan, Italy (study purposes) and I wanted to renew my permesso di soggiorno (permit of stay, you need to have this permit to stay in that country, so even if your visa is expired, you can still legally stay there.)
If you've been to Italy, you know how crazy the bureaucracy is.
It was hard the first time I obtained my first permesso di soggiorno, there was a long line , we all had to wait in line hours before the office opens, the bathroom was extremely dirty-unusable, we had to wait for hours and hours and hours to wait for our turn, the officers were unfriendly, plus my Italian was at a beginners level. It was really a horrible day.
So to renew the permesso, all I have to do is go to the nearest appointed police station *if I'm not mistaken, it's been a few years, I forgot*
I got all my papers ready, but I was so worried about going there, I pictured different situations in my head, what to say, what to ask, I was worried that they were going to be mean to me, I was worried there were gonna be a long line, I was worried that I needed to pee but there was no decent toilet, I was worried on the bus on the way there, I was worried as I entered the building.
But it turned out, there was no line at all, the officer was nice, He checked all my papers, and simply told me to come back in 2 weeks time to get my new permesso di soggiorno.
So I was worried for nothing !!! If I had known, I wouldn't have worried so much. I would just relax.
But the thing is, I didn't know so I worried so much.
For most of the situations in our lives, we won't know what will happen in the future, whether it will turn out bad or good.
We all need to live in the NOW.
So in my case, I was worried for nothing, everything turned out fine. but I spent days, hours, worrying and making myself feel miserable.
My feeling worried didn't help anything in anyway.
If I felt worried and things turned out bad, my worry is not going to make things worse or better.
If I didn't feel worried, and things turned out find, it's not going to make things worse or better either.
So I choose not to feel worried, because it is useless.
Worrying is totally pointless.
I'd rather relax myself and hope for the best result that may happen from doing the best that I could possibly can.
So next time, in whatever things I do in my life, I'm just gonna make sure all the preparations is done well, everything is ready, I'm gonna do my best and I'm not gonna worry, I'm just going to relax and hope that everything will work out fine.
I will try that and hope for the best.
And I also know this, in the simplest situation or even at the worst extreme situation, We should leave it all to Him.
In whatever situation, do your best, and everything else depends on Him.
Some things are out of our control no matter what we do, so instead of worrying, just do your best, then let worry go, have total faith.
Sounds simple ?
well, It is that simple.
So let it go.
The outcome may surprise you :)
But whatever the result is, believe that there's a reason for everything, and you don't have to know the reason, but just believe that it's the best for you right now.
so Trust Him and you'll feel so much better :D
So How do you control it ? How do you stop worrying ?
I myself worry too much, I think.
I worry on the littlest things.
One time, I was in Milan, Italy (study purposes) and I wanted to renew my permesso di soggiorno (permit of stay, you need to have this permit to stay in that country, so even if your visa is expired, you can still legally stay there.)
If you've been to Italy, you know how crazy the bureaucracy is.
It was hard the first time I obtained my first permesso di soggiorno, there was a long line , we all had to wait in line hours before the office opens, the bathroom was extremely dirty-unusable, we had to wait for hours and hours and hours to wait for our turn, the officers were unfriendly, plus my Italian was at a beginners level. It was really a horrible day.
So to renew the permesso, all I have to do is go to the nearest appointed police station *if I'm not mistaken, it's been a few years, I forgot*
I got all my papers ready, but I was so worried about going there, I pictured different situations in my head, what to say, what to ask, I was worried that they were going to be mean to me, I was worried there were gonna be a long line, I was worried that I needed to pee but there was no decent toilet, I was worried on the bus on the way there, I was worried as I entered the building.
But it turned out, there was no line at all, the officer was nice, He checked all my papers, and simply told me to come back in 2 weeks time to get my new permesso di soggiorno.
So I was worried for nothing !!! If I had known, I wouldn't have worried so much. I would just relax.
But the thing is, I didn't know so I worried so much.
For most of the situations in our lives, we won't know what will happen in the future, whether it will turn out bad or good.
We all need to live in the NOW.
So in my case, I was worried for nothing, everything turned out fine. but I spent days, hours, worrying and making myself feel miserable.
My feeling worried didn't help anything in anyway.
If I felt worried and things turned out bad, my worry is not going to make things worse or better.
If I didn't feel worried, and things turned out find, it's not going to make things worse or better either.
So I choose not to feel worried, because it is useless.
Worrying is totally pointless.
I'd rather relax myself and hope for the best result that may happen from doing the best that I could possibly can.
So next time, in whatever things I do in my life, I'm just gonna make sure all the preparations is done well, everything is ready, I'm gonna do my best and I'm not gonna worry, I'm just going to relax and hope that everything will work out fine.
I will try that and hope for the best.
And I also know this, in the simplest situation or even at the worst extreme situation, We should leave it all to Him.
In whatever situation, do your best, and everything else depends on Him.
Some things are out of our control no matter what we do, so instead of worrying, just do your best, then let worry go, have total faith.
Sounds simple ?
well, It is that simple.
So let it go.
The outcome may surprise you :)
But whatever the result is, believe that there's a reason for everything, and you don't have to know the reason, but just believe that it's the best for you right now.
so Trust Him and you'll feel so much better :D
Friday, April 24, 2009
Where is He ?
Him who ?
you know who :)
He's everywhere but most of all, He's in you.
Ask Him to use you and make you useful for Him.
Not in a lame kinda way, you can be a Hardcore Rockstar and still be His "hands".
Just take a look at Bono, U2.
Now do you see my point ?
Ask him to use you and He'll shine in whatever things that you do.
you know who :)
He's everywhere but most of all, He's in you.
Ask Him to use you and make you useful for Him.
Not in a lame kinda way, you can be a Hardcore Rockstar and still be His "hands".
Just take a look at Bono, U2.
Now do you see my point ?
Ask him to use you and He'll shine in whatever things that you do.
What to do when you're bored ?
Seriously ? what do you do when you're bored ?
From time to time , we all feel really bored, at just about everything, even at the things we love to do.
It's like you don't have any will to do anything, you don't even feel alive, you're just tired.
You won't even bother to do anything, coz everything seems boring and you'll end up watching reruns of Friends on TV, Reading Celebrity gossip on websites, Doing nothing, and even Eating, and in the end you'll feel even worse, like you've wasted another day.
So, Do you know what you should do at times like that ?
Do Something, Anything at all !!!!!
You have to "force" yourself to start doing something.
(Gardening, Painting, Writing, Practising piano, Cooking, Exercising, anything that you love, anything at all)
I know that Getting off that couch is the hardest part.
But when you start doing whatever it is that you're supposed to do, a tiny will-power starts to grow inside of you, and before you know it, you're starting to enjoy what you're doing and you wonder why you didn't start doing this earlier.
And the you realize that you're doing something meaningful and useful for yourself, you become passionate about it once again.
Try reading blogs/books about motivation to give you a boost.
Get a good book and find a great motivational blogs, some of them are well, kinda boring, but when you do find a great book/blog, it'll make you want to start doing something to be a better person for yourself and for others. The book/blog will make you realize that you're missing out, that you're kinda left behind and it makes you wanna hurry up to catch up in Life.
The thing is, when you've finished reading the book/blog, you're back at square one, not doing anything and waiting for someone to wake you up all over again.
So right now......... WAKE UP !!!!!!!!!!
GET UP !!!!!!
You really need to do something Right Now !!
Do something that you love, something meaningful, something useful.
You know what it is.
Trust me, it'll make you feel a whole lot better.
uhuh.... NOW !!
From time to time , we all feel really bored, at just about everything, even at the things we love to do.
It's like you don't have any will to do anything, you don't even feel alive, you're just tired.
You won't even bother to do anything, coz everything seems boring and you'll end up watching reruns of Friends on TV, Reading Celebrity gossip on websites, Doing nothing, and even Eating, and in the end you'll feel even worse, like you've wasted another day.
So, Do you know what you should do at times like that ?
Do Something, Anything at all !!!!!
You have to "force" yourself to start doing something.
(Gardening, Painting, Writing, Practising piano, Cooking, Exercising, anything that you love, anything at all)
I know that Getting off that couch is the hardest part.
But when you start doing whatever it is that you're supposed to do, a tiny will-power starts to grow inside of you, and before you know it, you're starting to enjoy what you're doing and you wonder why you didn't start doing this earlier.
And the you realize that you're doing something meaningful and useful for yourself, you become passionate about it once again.
Try reading blogs/books about motivation to give you a boost.
Get a good book and find a great motivational blogs, some of them are well, kinda boring, but when you do find a great book/blog, it'll make you want to start doing something to be a better person for yourself and for others. The book/blog will make you realize that you're missing out, that you're kinda left behind and it makes you wanna hurry up to catch up in Life.
The thing is, when you've finished reading the book/blog, you're back at square one, not doing anything and waiting for someone to wake you up all over again.
So right now......... WAKE UP !!!!!!!!!!
GET UP !!!!!!
You really need to do something Right Now !!
Do something that you love, something meaningful, something useful.
You know what it is.
Trust me, it'll make you feel a whole lot better.
uhuh.... NOW !!
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
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MyhowtoLife.com contains my opinions (suggestions, recommendations, ideas, reviews, etc)
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Always double check, always becareful on the internet :P
There are links to a third party websites on MyhowtoLife.com
I do not guarantee their site to be free of virus, bugs and errors.
Surf safely and it's good to always have a Anti Virus installed and running.
All Contents (photos / artworks / articles / other data or information) presented on the myhowtoLife.com site are copyrighted by myhowtoLife.com and their respective owner and may not be copied, published (or otherwise made public) or modified without written consent from myhowtoLife.com and their respective owner. You should assume that everything you see or read on this site is copyrighted unless otherwise noted.
It gives hope to all of use..... the perfect pick me up
very nice :)
Fun stuff
It gives hope to all of use..... the perfect pick me up
very nice :)
Fun stuff
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
About MyHowtoLife

About Me
You know how sometimes you wanna ask someone something
but you're embarassed that the questions is too dumb too ask
so you google it
and you're relieved when you finally find answers on the net
from someone who actually asks the same quesions.
or you feel even better when someone asks an even dumber question.
Hey, you're not dat dumb after all. :P
Since what I find to be useful for me might also be useful for others.
So, Instead of just saving stuff I find on the net to my computer.
I'm putting it here in My How to Life Blog.
so everything's organized, labeled, etc etc. *yup still for my benefit*
But I'm learning to share, you see. ;p
Further more....*eww there's more ?*
This is also time for me to "wake up"
to stop being lazy and how to actually live my life.
So there are also stuff on self motivational, self discoveries, bla bla bla.
So.... this is My How-tos in Life.
It's here for my own purpose,
but If it helps you in anyway, then I'm happy for you :)
myhowtolife [@] gmail [dot] com

You know how sometimes you wanna ask someone something
but you're embarassed that the questions is too dumb too ask
so you google it
and you're relieved when you finally find answers on the net
from someone who actually asks the same quesions.
or you feel even better when someone asks an even dumber question.
Hey, you're not dat dumb after all. :P
Since what I find to be useful for me might also be useful for others.
So, Instead of just saving stuff I find on the net to my computer.
I'm putting it here in My How to Life Blog.
so everything's organized, labeled, etc etc. *yup still for my benefit*
But I'm learning to share, you see. ;p
Further more....*eww there's more ?*
This is also time for me to "wake up"
to stop being lazy and how to actually live my life.
So there are also stuff on self motivational, self discoveries, bla bla bla.
So.... this is My How-tos in Life.
It's here for my own purpose,
but If it helps you in anyway, then I'm happy for you :)
myhowtolife [@] gmail [dot] com

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